Merge lp://staging/~jderose/filestore/protocol-fix into lp://staging/filestore

Proposed by Jason Gerard DeRose
Status: Merged
Merged at revision: 213
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~jderose/filestore/protocol-fix
Merge into: lp://staging/filestore
Diff against target: 519 lines (+147/-110)
4 files modified
doc/filestore.rst (+35/-7)
doc/protocol.rst (+95/-78) (+7/-15) (+10/-10)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~jderose/filestore/protocol-fix
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
David Jordan Approve
Review via email:

Description of the change

This adds 2 new personalization strings:

PERS_LEAF_INDEX = b'20110430 <email address hidden> dmedia/leaf-index'
PERS_FILE_SIZE = b'20110430 <email address hidden> dmedia/file-size'

And 2 new hashing functions:


And updates hash_leaf() and hash_root() so that instead of simple concatenation like this:

leaf_hashes = skein512(str(leaf_index).encode('utf-8') + leaf_data)
root_hash = skein515(str(file_size).encode('utf-8') + leaf_hashes)

They now do this:

leaf_hashes = skein512(hash_leaf_index(leaf_index) + leaf_data)
root_hash = skein515(hash_file_size(file_size) + leaf_hashes)

Other than that, I just updated the test case values and the documentation.

Thanks again, friendly anonymous reviewer!

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Revision history for this message
David Jordan (dmj726) wrote :

Good catch, definitely approved.

review: Approve

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