
Created by Jason Conti and last modified
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Jason Conti

Recent revisions

43. By Jason Conti

* debian/patches/125_total_touches.patch:
  - Sanity check before using active_touches data.

42. By Timo Aaltonen

* Really install the quirks files, and rename the udev rules file
  to emphasize that it's about quirks.
* postinst: Bump the version check to run udevadm trigger on upgrade.

41. By Timo Aaltonen

* Merge from Debian unstable, remaining changes:
  - 101_resolution_detect_option.patch:
    + Provide an option to prevent synaptics from communicating the
      touchpad size to the xserver. (LP: 327428)
  - 103_enable_cornertapping.patch:
    + Enable right/middle clicks by tapping in the bottom- and top-right
  - 104_always_enable_tapping.patch:
    + Enable tapping regardless of the presence of physical buttons.
  - 106_always_enable_vert_edge_scroll.patch:
    + Enable vertical edge tapping by default even if we enable two-finger
      scrolling as well.
  - 115_evdev_only.patch:
    + Only bind to /dev/input/event* evdev devices (LP 624985)
  - 116_xi2_1.patch:
  - 117_gestures.patch:
    + multitouch and uTouch gesture support
  - 118_quell_error_msg.patch:
    + Don't print error "Unable to find a synaptics device" when used
      on system that doesn't have a touchpad anyway. (LP: 716712)
  - 119_active_area_touches.patch:
  - 120_active_touches_num_fingers.patch:
  - 121_semi-mt_num_fingers.patch:
    + Fix handling for SemiMultitouch trackpads with integrated buttons
      (LP: 736523)
  - 122_revert_pressure_finger_default.patch:
    + Fix spurious right click events on some trackpads (LP: 742213)
  - 123_order_ProcessTouch_for_numFingers.patch:
    + Fix jumpy cursor on multitouch trackpads (LP: 751525)
  - 124_syndaemon_events.patch:
    + Drain spurious events from XRecord connection as a work around
      for a buggy X server. (LP: 754470)
  - debian/control:
    + Add depends on libmtdev and libutouch-grail
    + Build-depend on multitouch-enabled inputproto.
    + Depend on multitouch-enabled xserver.
    + Depend on udev.
    + Move libxtst-dev to Build-Conflicts so syndaemon does not use XRecord,
      preventing a wide range of crashes in _CallCallbacks. (LP: 774978)
  - debian/gbp.conf:
    + Specify ‘ubuntu’ branch.
  - debian/local/51-synaptics-quirks.conf:
    + Split out our synaptics quirks into 51-synaptics-quirks.conf
  - debian/local/66-xorg-synaptics.rules:
    + Add the udev rule back for tagging specific machines to be quirked.
  - debian/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics.postinst.in:
    + Trigger udev to pick up new udev rules
* Drop 114_jumpy_cursor_first_part.patch, fixed upstream.
* Update 115_evdev_only.patch to apply.
* Update 117_gestures.patch to apply.

40. By Loïc Minier

Also build-conflict with libxtst-dev as to make sure it's not present in
e.g. local debug builds.

39. By Robert Hooker

Drop libxtst-dev build dependency so syndaemon does not use XRecord,
preventing a wide range of crashes in _CallCallbacks. (LP: #774978)

38. By Bryce Harrington

* Re-add 116_resolution_detect_option.patch as 101_resolution_detect_option.patch:
  - This patch was introduced in 1.2.2-2ubuntu7 but got erroneously dropped in the
    merge for 1.3.99+git20110116.0e27ce3a-0ubuntu1.
    (LP: #327428)

37. By Chase Douglas

syndaemon: Drain spurious events from XRecord connection as a work around
for a buggy X server. This keeps syndaemon from busy looping
(LP: #754470)

36. By Chase Douglas

* Fix jumpy cursor on multitouch trackpads (LP: #751525)
  - Added 123_order_ProcessTouch_for_numFingers.patch

35. By Chase Douglas

Ensure touch mask exists before clearing it (LP: #747126)

34. By Chase Douglas

* Fix handling for SemiMultitouch trackpads with integrated buttons
  (LP: #736523)
  - Added 119_active_area_touches.patch
  - Added 120_active_touches_num_fingers.patch
  - Added 121_semi-mt_num_fingers.patch
* Fix spurious right click events on some trackpads (LP: #742213)
  - Added 122_revert_pressure_finger_default.patch

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