
Created by James Tait and last modified
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James Tait

Recent revisions

60. By James Tait

Simplified publish6 even further - that class may have been faithful to the RabbitMQ examples, but was just cluttering the code.

59. By James Tait

Re-wrote and enabled publish6. Fixed consume6 to turn the input into an int, and get the request properties to use on the response. A little more clean-up, and reference the spec within the txamp codebase instead of relying on one in python-txamqp being in the right place.

58. By James Tait

Removed leftover cruft in the form of consume4z, and fixed bugs in consume1 and consume2 that prevented them from receiving messages.

57. By James Tait

Created an example script based on the RabbitMQ Tutorial at http://www.rabbitmq.com/getstarted.html

56. By Esteve Fernandez

Removed insist option when authenticating against an AMQP 0.9.1 broker

Author: burntliam

Thanks Liam!

55. By Esteve Fernandez

Merged fix-rabbit-failures: Update testsuite to RabbitMQ 2.1

Author: therve
Reviewers: esteve

Fixes the path to the spec file, but also skip tests that don't pass with
RabbitMQ 2.1

54. By Esteve Fernandez

bump to version 0.4

53. By Esteve Fernandez

replaced non-free versions of the specs with BSD ones

52. By Esteve Fernandez

added Apache 2.0 license file

51. By Esteve Fernandez

merged 538999-queue-unbind-xml Fixes #538999

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