- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~jamesodhunt/upstart/bug-1360208
Branch merges
- Upstart Reviewers: Pending requested
Diff: 1966 lines (+943/-321)5 files modifiedChangeLog (+37/-0)
extra/upstart-file-bridge.c (+403/-164)
scripts/pyupstart.py (+46/-20)
scripts/tests/test_pyupstart_session_init.py (+368/-57)
scripts/tests/test_pyupstart_system_init.py (+89/-80)
Related bugs
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 1661. By James Hunt
* extra/upstart-
file-bridge. c:
- Converted original_path() macro to a function.
- WatchedFile: Added more details on this crucial type.
- file_filter(): Removed as it was too simplistic and duplicating the
work of the individual handlers in determining whether a path should
be considered.
- create_handler(): Simplified.
- modify_handler(): Simplified.
- delete_handler(): Simplified.
- handle_event(): Now deals with globs and handles tilde+glob jobs
(LP: #1360208).
- handle_glob(): New function that allows main handlers to be simplified.
- Added lots of debug for '--debug'.
- expand_path(): Only check password database if $HOME not set. This
allows the tests to use a fake $HOME to check that tilde expansion
works without modifying the users actual $HOME.
- New utility functions:
- file_exists()
- remove_trailing_ slashes( )
* scripts/pyupstart. py:
- Add missing file header.
- pep8 formatting changes.
* scripts/tests/test_ pyupstart_ session_ init.py: TestFileBridge:
- test_init_start_file_ bridge( ):
- Force the file bridge to run with a fake $HOME below /tmp to
allow testing jobs with paths that require tilde expansion.
- Run file bridge in foreground to capture debug output.
- Change tests to check for values of all variables the file-event(7)
- New tests for:
- glob file job.
- tilde file job.
- glob and tilde file job.
* scripts/tests/test_ pyupstart_ system_ init.py: pep8 formatting changes.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/upstart