
Created by James Hunt and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/vivid/upstart/bug-1425685
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Branch information

James Hunt

Recent revisions

1608. By James Hunt

* debian/upstart-bin.upstart.cron.daily: Additional checks on the input
  file based on review feedback.

1607. By James Hunt

* debian/upstart-bin.upstart.cron.daily:
  - [SECURITY FIX]: Only consider valid session files to avoid possible
    privilege escalation. Thanks to halfdog for reporting (LP: #1425685).

1606. By Dimitri John Ledkov

releasing package upstart version 1.13.2-0ubuntu7

1605. By Dimitri John Ledkov

Correct upstart-udev-bridge session job start/stop on conditions.

1604. By Dimitri John Ledkov

releasing package upstart version 1.13.2-0ubuntu6

1603. By Dimitri John Ledkov

Drop local option, use systemd_booted detection instead.

1602. By Dimitri John Ledkov

move udev & local bridges to upstart-bin package.

1601. By Dimitri John Ledkov

Drop event-bridge

1600. By Dimitri John Ledkov

Add control xml bindings.

1599. By Dimitri John Ledkov

* debian/upstart-bin.upstart.cron.daily: Emit "rotate-logs" event direct
  into session init, by-passing system upstart & session
* extra/upstart-local-bridge: implement systemd pid1 logic.
* extra/upstart-event-bridge: make it re-emit upstart-local-bridge
  events direct.
* util/telinit: Revert to synchronous behaviour coupled with unavoidable
  poll to ensure telinit only returns once a re-exec has completed (LP:

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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