
Created by James Hunt and last modified
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James Hunt

Recent revisions

27. By James Hunt

* Review changes.

26. By James Hunt

Implement s-i format command to handle full-image (non-delta) updates

25. By James Hunt

* ubuntucoreupgrader/tests/test_upgrader.py:
  - test_format(): New test to ensure mkfs called appropriately.
* ubuntucoreupgrader/upgrader.py:
  - get_mount_details(): New function, called by _cmd_format(), introduced to make testing easier.

24. By James Hunt

* ubuntucoreupgrader/upgrader.py:
  - mkfs(): Ensure label is set.
  - _cmd_mount(): Reformat if other is "empty" and has not already been
    formatted since it could contain cruft from a previous failed
    upgrade (resulting from a power outage, say).

23. By James Hunt

* ubuntucoreupgrader/upgrader.py: Implement 'format' s-i command.

22. By Michael Vogt

releasing package ubuntu-core-upgrader version 0.7.7

21. By Michael Vogt

fix entry point for s-i 3.0

20. By Michael Vogt

releasing package ubuntu-core-upgrader version 0.7.6

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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