
Created by James Hunt and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~jamesodhunt/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-core-config/bug-1418966
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James Hunt

Recent revisions

11. By James Hunt

* Add /etc/network/interfaces.d to writable paths (LP: #1405795).
* etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/10_snappy.cfg: disable apt_configure.
  That was incorrectly enabled previously.
* add missing etc/profile.d/snappy-bin-path.sh
* etc/system-image/config.d/20_snappy.conf
  - fix config location for s-i 3.0
* etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/10_snappy.cfg: add snappy cloud-init config

10. By James Hunt

Ensure the chosen hostname is applied, not the default (LP: #1418966).

9. By Michael Vogt

[ Michael Vogt ]
* ensure /boot/efi is available
* add oem specific PS1 prompt customization
* "port" touch-extrausers pam config to get a working passwd
  command on snappy
* etc/system-image/writable-paths:
  - add /var/lib/click/bin
  - add /oem to writable paths
  - add /var/lib/extrausers

[ Sergio Schvezov ]
* Fixing PS1 oem customization hook.

8. By Michael Vogt

* add /etc/sysctl.d
* upload PPA version into vivid

7. By Michael Vogt

* etc/system-image/writable-paths:
  - add /etc/sudoers.d, /root, /etc/hostname, /etc/hosts
    Thanks to Scott Moser
  - add /var/lib/click/frameworks
  - make /mnt writable
  - add /var/lib/waagent

6. By Michael Vogt

* replace /etc/apparmor.d/ with /var/lib/apparmor/profiles/
* add /usr/share/click/frameworks for click-hook-framework

5. By Michael Vogt

add /etc/apparmor.d/ to writable paths

4. By James Hunt

[ James Hunt ]
* etc/system-image/writable-paths: Remove /boot - unlike Touch, this needs
  to be on the root partition _only_.
* Added COPYING file.

[ Michael Vogt ]
* etc/system-image/writable-paths:
  - add /var/lib/systemd/click, /etc/systemd/system for click-systemd

3. By James Hunt

etc/system-image/writable-paths: Removed unused directories.

2. By James Hunt

debian/control: Remove bogus dependency on self (LP: #1376103).

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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