
Created by James Hunt and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~jamesodhunt/snappy/list-show-reboot-message
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Branch information

James Hunt

Recent revisions

157. By James Hunt

* cmd/snappy-go/cmd_list.go: showInstalled(): Add required reboot
  message when appropriate.

156. By Michael Vogt

Allow installing local snap package via snappy install ./foo.snap

155. By James Hunt

* Added snappy.Part.NeedsReboot(), required for example to display
  correct reboot message when a newly-installed but not-yet-active
  system-image is available on the other rootfs.

154. By James Hunt

* snappy/systemimage.go: Updates(): Handle no newer revision scenario.

153. By Michael Vogt

Do not try to remove files that do not exist.

152. By Michael Vogt

* do not panic if dbus is not available, the reason is that the dbus
  daemon is not available in "SnapTestSuite" (only in
  SystemImageTestSuite) we don't really need it in these tests.
* add a build dependency to "ubuntu-core-snappy" so that we can use
  "snappy build" during the tests to create test snaps.

151. By James Hunt

* partition/partition.go:
  - Replace need for lsblk by using mount + udev-generated device
* partition/partition_test.go: Update tests to mock mounts and /dev data
  rather than lsblk(8).

150. By Sergio Schvezov

Packaging branch (bzr split deb style)

149. By Sergio Schvezov

switching to launchpad.net/gocheck as it is packaged and describing how to keep the testing packages in sync in Readme.md while also updating dependencies.tsv

148. By Michael Vogt

Fix the strange output the user tries to install something that does not exist and fixes snappy remove.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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