
Created by James Hunt and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~jamesodhunt/+junk/ubuntu-foundations-team-ubuntu-core-upgrader-handle-files-in-use
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Branch information

James Hunt

Recent revisions

12. By James Hunt

README.rst: Outline of design and upgrade process.

11. By James Hunt

* bin/ubuntu-core-apply.py:
  - Added outline of design and upgrade process.
  - Handle busy inodes by restarting services where possible and
    triggering a reboot as a last resort.
* bin/ubuntu-core-prepare-upgrade.sh:
  - Don't update mtab.
  - Run in new pid namespace to ensure sane mount behaviour.
  - Reboot if final remount fails.
* debian/control: Added Depends: on lsof and e2fsprogs (for mklost+found).

10. By Michael Vogt

fix error reporting

9. By Michael Vogt

ubuntucoreupgrader/unshare.py: add python ctypes ushare version

8. By Michael Vogt

ubuntucoreupgrader/apply.py: fix pep8 problem

6. By James Hunt

Initial release (LP: #1380674).

5. By James Hunt

Initial release (Closes: LP: #1380674).

4. By James Hunt

* bin/ubuntu-core-apply.py: Updated header to specify GPLv3.
* bin/ubuntu-core-prepare-upgrade.sh:
  - Updated header to specify GPLv3.
  - Pass all arguments through to ubuntu-core-apply.
* COPYING: Added missing file.

3. By James Hunt

* bin/ubuntu-core-apply.py:
  - Work-around for bug LP: #1381134 that was causing (harmless but
    profuse and alarming) upgrade warning messages.
  - Handle the removal of a truly non-existent file more gracefully.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
