
Created by James Page and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~james-page/ubuntu/oneiric/ecj/maven-artifacts
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James Page

Recent revisions

42. By James Page

debian/control: added maven-repo-helper to Build-Depends-Indep

41. By James Page

debian/libecj-java.install: removed - install handled by m-r-h.

40. By James Page

* Add maven artifact deployment to resolve FTBFS for
  tomcat-maven-plugin (LP: #835769):
  - debian/control: added maven-repo-helper to Build-Deps
  - debian/rules: install maven artifacts, added get-orig-poms target
    to retrieve original pom files
  - debian/libecj-java.poms: POM file locator.
  - debian/poms/ecj.pom: Upstream POM file from Maven repo1.

39. By Hector Oron

* Non-maintainer upload.
* Enable armhf architecture for ecj1 (Closes: #631070)

38. By Matthias Klose

[ Steve Langasek ]
* Move ecj1 binary to the multiarch gcc directory so gcj can find it.
* Create a link to ecj1 in our build directory so that gcj can find it
  for rebootstrapping ecj1.

[ Matthias Klose]
* Build with default gcj-jdk.
* ecj1: Provide a compatibility symlink in /usr/lib/gcc/ecj1.

37. By Matthias Klose

Build using gcj-4.6.

36. By Steve Langasek

* Move ecj1 binary to the multiarch gcc directory so gcj can find it.
* Create a link to ecj1 in our build directory so that gcj can find it
  for rebootstrapping ecj1.
* Build with gcj-4.5 on armel instead of gcj-4.4 since gcj-4.4 dies with a
  bus error.

35. By Matthias Klose

Build with gcj-4.4 again. openjdk-6 fails to bootstrap using
the ecj built with gcj-4.5.

34. By Matthias Klose

Rebuild with gcj-4.5.

33. By Matthias Klose

* Update to the final 3.5.1 release.
* Update GCCMain.java from rhug/eclipse-gcj.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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