
Created by James Page and last modified
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James Page

Recent revisions

27. By James Page

* Build-depend on ant/ant-optional (1.8.1)
* Amended debian/rules, fix xslt processing in ant 1.8.1 to
  fix FTBFS (LP: #662588)

26. By Thierry Carrez

Build-depend on ant1.7 / ant1.7-optional to fix FTBFS (LP: #662588)

25. By Tony Mancill

* Team upload.
* Add Czech debconf template translation.
  Thanks to Michal Simunek. (Closes: #597863)
* Add Spanish debconf template translation.
  Thanks to Javier Fernández-Sanguino (Closes: #599230)
* Modify postinst to handle JAVA_OPTS strings containing the '/'
  character. This was causing upgrade failures for users.
  (Closes: #597814)

24. By Thierry Carrez

Check for group existence to avoid postinst failure (LP: #611721)

23. By Thierry Carrez

* Add debconf questions for user, group and Java options.
* Use ucf to install /etc/default/tomcat6 from a template
* Drop CATALINA_BASE and CATALINA_HOME from /etc/default/tomcat6 since we
  shouldn't encourage users to change those anyway

22. By Torsten Werner

* Convert patches to dep3 format.
* Backport security fix from trunk to fix CVE-2010-1157. (Closes: #587447)
* Set urgency to medium due to the security fix.

21. By Marcus Better

[ Marcus Better ]
* Apply upstream fix for deadlock in WebappClassLoader. (Closes: #583896)

[ Thierry Carrez ]
* debian/tomcat6.{install,postinst}: Do not store the default root webapp
  in /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps as it increases confusion on what this
  directory contains (and its relation with /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps).
  Store it inside /usr/share/tomcat6-root instead (LP: #575303).

20. By Thierry Carrez

* debian/tomcat6.{postinst,prerm}: Respect TOMCAT6_USER and TOMCAT6_GROUP
  as defined in /etc/default/tomcat6 when setting directory permissions and
  authbind configuration (Closes: #581018, LP: #557300)
* debian/tomcat6.postinst: Use group "tomcat6" instead of "adm" for
  permissions in /var/lib/tomcat6, so that group "adm" doesn't get write
  permissions over /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps (LP: #569118)

19. By Thierry Carrez

[ Thierry Carrez ]
* Uploading what 6.0.24-5 should be (upload is blocked in Debian due to
  current infrastructure issues), in order to meet Beta2Freeze.

[ Niels Thykier ]
* Added optimised garbage collection options to tomcat6's default options.
  Thanks to Aaron J. Zirbes and Thierry Carrez for research and the patch.
  (Closes: LP: #541520)
* Updated the changelog to mention closed CVE's in the 6.0.24-1 release.
* Applied patch from Arto Jantunen fixing an issue with cleaning up the
  pid-file. (Closes: #574084)

[ Ludovic Claude ]
* debian/tomcat6.postrm: fix removal of Tomcat (Closes: #567548)
* Set UTF-8 as default character encoding - Patch by Thomas Koch
  (Closes: #573539)
* Set the major, minor and build versions when calling Ant
  (Closes: LP: #495505)
* Rebuild with a more recent version of maven-repo-helper which puts
  the javax jars at the correct location in the Maven repository.
  Fixes several FTBFS in other packages.

18. By Ludovic Claude

* Fix missing symlinks to tomcat-coyote.jar and
  catalina-tribes.jar causing NoClassDefFoundException
  at startup (last minute packaging change, sorry)
  (Closes: #570220)
* tomcat6-admin, tomcat6-examples and tomcat6-docs now depend on
  tomcat6-common instead of tomcat6, this allow users to install
  those packages without requiring tomcat6 and its automatic startup scripts
  being present. tomcat-users can be installed instead and allow full
  control over when Tomcat is started or stopped.

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