- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~ionel-mc/appy/trunk
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 99. By Gaëtan Delannay
Added a new level of configurability in navigation: allow to hide/show every button on every page + bugfixes in page/phase navigation.
- 98. By Gaëtan Delannay
Improvements in the WebDAV client. Transmission of binary files seems to have bugs.
- 97. By Gaëtan Delannay
Eradicated Flavour and PodTemplate classes (for the latter, use Pod fields instead); Added a code analyser; Groups can now be slaves in master/slaves relationships; Refs have more params (show a confirmation popup before adding an object, add an object without creation form); Code for Refs has been refactored to comply with the new way to organize Types; Added a WebDAV client library.
- 95. By Gaëtan Delannay
Used 'nav' request param instead of session for storing info about the initiator of an object creation.
- 93. By Gaëtan Delannay
Optimized performance while rendering references and computed fields and allowed computed fields to be shown asynchronously.
- 91. By Gaëtan Delannay
Allowed to express layouts in a more concise manner and various graphical improvements.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 6
- Repository format:
- Bazaar pack repository format 1 (needs bzr 0.92)