
Created by Ted Gould and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-session/ubuntu
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Indicator Applet Developers
Session Menu

Recent revisions

186. By Ted Gould

releasing version 0.3.7-0ubuntu1~ppa1

185. By Ted Gould

* New upstream release.
  * Fix some variant ref issues causing crashes (LP: #863930)
  * Handle cases of returned dbus messages from ConsoleKit (LP: #864085)
  * Fixed improperly mapped gconf to gsettings keys (LP: #858798)

184. By Ted Gould

Merge from U. Desktop

183. By Ted Gould

releasing version 0.3.6-0ubuntu1~ppa1

182. By Ted Gould

* New upstream release.
  * Fix convert file key naming (LP: #847807)
  * Use environment variable to get seat path (LP: #856455)
  * Fix abort when using ConsoleKit fallback (LP: #740382)
  * Update session icon instead of creating a new one (LP: #854292)
  * Update to latest Launchpad translations

181. By Ted Gould

Update to ubuntu-desktop version

180. By Ted Gould

releasing version

179. By Ted Gould

debian/control: Adding a depend on gnome-settings-daemon to ensure that
the required schemas are available. (LP: #833965)

178. By Ted Gould

Update to Ubuntu Desktop

177. By Ted Gould

* Upstream Merge
  * So much stuff...
  * Desktop files for system functions

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
Stacked on:
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
