
Created by Nobert Mijumbi and last modified
Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~ihris+uganda/ihris-uganda/nms-manage-42
Members of iHRIS Uganda Team can upload to this branch. Log in for directions.

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Branch information

iHRIS Uganda Team
iHRIS Uganda

Recent revisions

57. By Luke Duncan

Added in leave request page for not logged in employees.

56. By Nobert Mijumbi

added modules for storing parents information. Its still has afew errors

55. By Nobert Mijumbi

corrected an error in the page script for Upload and made display changes to the configure link

54. By Luke Duncan

Made some tweaks to the CSV upload script to remove the references to the person object since there isn't one for every row and it gets determined by the ID number. Also made some minor changes to the ID Number lookup to not load any row that can't find the person record.

53. By Nobert Mijumbi

Added a module to store a persons referees

52. By Nobert Mijumbi

added Loan module, made changes to person_id,person_position,position and clock_in forms

51. By Nobert Mijumbi

added demo NMS sites directory

50. By Nobert Mijumbi

changed text in Leave Module and enable new feature for Position

49. By Nobert Mijumbi

made changes to the clockin module to use just one DATE_TIME field and fields for clock in/out status. stated work on the UploadClockIn data but still havent managed to get it onto a page

48. By Nobert Mijumbi

made new branch for National Medical Stores system

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
