
Created by Chow Loong Jin and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/banshee-community-extensions

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Branch information

Chow Loong Jin

Import details

Import Status: Suspended

This branch is an import of the HEAD branch of the Git repository at git://gitorious.org/banshee-community-extensions/banshee-community-extensions.git.

Last successful import was .

Import started on russkaya and finished taking 30 seconds — see the log
Import started on pear and finished taking 40 seconds — see the log
Import started on pear and finished taking 25 seconds — see the log
Import started on pear and finished taking 25 seconds — see the log

Recent revisions

1052. By Nicholas

Dap.Bluetooth: SupportsVideo/Playlists = false

Though playlists may be supported, we'll need to consider their transfer
closely before saying we do. The bluetooth link is much too slow for
anything longer than a short clip.

Also, removes experimental overrides.

1051. By Nicholas

Dap.Bluetooth: Corrects Stale Properties

The property manager requires signaling when an object is removed from
the bus, as (obviously, when thought about) there is no property
invalidation signal coming from it when it dies.

In addition, a check is added for cases where a device properties
changed signal occurs when the device is yet to be mapped to a widget.

1050. By Nicholas

Dap.Bluetooth: Images reworked, drops RSSI text

Images specified with the IconName attribute appear to be 22px, although
this may vary between systems? Hopefully not, the two icons not found in
the system set are now 22px square.

Patch also adds an attribution for paired-black.png. The unicode image
is public domain.

Finally, the RSSI (signal strength) was mostly only useful for
debugging, and is only available when the adapter is discovering, and
then only if the device is visible (in spite of settings such as
"visible only to paired devices" on some bluetooth equipment) so it's
not really useful especially since the UI now reacts to the Connected
property of the device, bolding the Alias.

1049. By Nicholas

Dap.Bluetooth: Fuzzy Lookup

In order to support sync, banshee needs to have the MetadataHash
available, calculated from certain fields including the Genre and Year.
Since the bluetooth FTP connection provides only path information it is
not possible to gather enough to calculate the hash, this is made more
difficult by escaped special characters in file names.

This patch attempts a fuzzy lookup on files located within a heirarchy
and, it is hoped, will still function even on difficult names; since
banshee uses the sqlite wildcard character for escaping.

1048. By Nicholas

Dap.Bluetooth: GUI changes

- Adds DAP connection (\u21cc) png graphic
- Increases size of pairing graphic in line with system provided ones
- Pairing button now invisible if paired instead of just disabled
- Adds SourceRemove call on Service disposal

1047. By Nicholas

Dap.Bluetooth: Cleanup + GUI components split

This commit cleans up a few issues with the project:

1) Split GUI components from ManagerSource file into one for each class
   of component
2) Project file reformat (automated by MonoDevelop as it realised it was
   writing CR/LF endings when I opened it for editing)
3) Some cleanup on the AddTrackToDevice method
4) Some commented overrides added to work with prototype patch [1].
   Required to prevent full delete/reload behaviour when synchronising.

[1] https://bug732634.bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=279814

1046. By Dmitrii Petukhov <email address hidden>

SongKick.GeoLocation: change name of the source

1045. By Dmitrii Petukhov <email address hidden>

SongKick.GeoLocation: add OnNetworkStateChanged handler

Imagine if you start Banshee when you were offline but a bit later
you became online. So, SongKick.GeoLocation should detect this change
and refresh city concerts information.

1044. By Dmitrii Petukhov <email address hidden>

SongKick: add RefreshGeoPosition method to LocationProviderManager

1043. By Dmitrii Petukhov <email address hidden>

SongKick.GeoLocation: adapt Provider to use Mozilla & Fedora services

In order to get user's geoposition we call the Mozilla service first
and if it fails then we retry with the Fedora one.
+ We added GeoResult type for more convenient results processing
+ Mozilla service do not provide city name information,
so we use OpenStreetMap API for this purpose.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
