- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~hatch/juju-gui/num-units-1253113
Branch merges
- Juju GUI Hackers: Pending requested
Diff: 199 lines (+116/-7)4 files modifiedapp/store/env/fakebackend.js (+5/-4)
app/store/env/sandbox.js (+1/-1)
test/test_fakebackend.js (+108/-0)
test/test_sandbox_go.js (+2/-2)
Related bugs
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Branch information
Recent revisions
- 1217. By Jeff Pihach
Adds pending and dying statuses to the inspector
A service in various states of pending are now properly represented in the
inspector.Dying services are now left on the canvas with their inspectors until the service
is entirely destroyed from Juju.R=matthew.scott
https://codereview. appspot. com/36240043 - 1216. By Madison Scott-Clary
Background panning (adopted from Huw)
Fixed the background so that it moves when you pan the canvas. This has been
bothering me for a while. Works for me accross browsers.R=jeff.pihach
https://codereview. appspot. com/36060043 - 1215. By Huw Wilkins
Added scroll header collapse to charm details
On the sidebar details panel for charms and bundles I've added the header collapse and animation when you scroll the content.
https://codereview. appspot. com/34520043 - 1214. By Jeff Pihach
Displays the relation name for peer relations
https://codereview. appspot. com/34120044 - 1213. By Gary Poster
Add authtoken support to the GUI
The authtoken support in this branch includes support for both a real environment and the sandbox. In writing this and testing it, I encountered some code that was not working, and some code that was not tested, and some code that was very difficult to test. This branch is utterly gigantic, for which I apologize. It includes the changes I needed to get everything else working. I should factor it out, now that I have figured out what needs to be done, but I'm a bit fatigued, so I'm asking for reviewer indulgence.
There are two ways you should QA. First, in the sandbox, delete the user and password from the config-debug file and then load the GUI in your browser using a URL like this: http://
localhost: 8888?authtoken= demoToken . This should log you in, remove the authtoken from the URL, and notify you that you used a token to authenticate. Find some other URLs, like in the charm browser, and copy them. Log out with the button on the top right. Paste the previous URL in to the browser, and then insert ?authtoken= demoToken in the URL. *Note that a querystring should come before a hash, so ?authtoken= demoToken# bws-whatever is correct, not the other way around.* Maybe do that log in, log out cycle a couple of times to try a few different URLs. Now log out and try a different token, like ?authtoken= badToken. It should send you to the login page with an appropriate error message. Now it's time to QA a live environment. Here's how I suggest you do it.
1. In this branch, run BRANCH_IS_GOOD=1 make distfile . When it is finished, it will tell you what file it made.
2. Get a copy of the lp:~juju-gui/charms/precise/juju-gui/trunk/ branch if you don't have one already. If you do have one, make sure it is up to date.
3. mv the file you made in step 1 to the charm's releases directory. rm the old release in that directory.
4. juju bootstrap.
5. In the charm, run make deploy. Wait until it says it is done deploying the code.
6. Start up Python in your local machine. Edit the following code to include the address from step 5 and the appropriate password from your ~/.juju/
environments. yaml file. import itertools
import json
import pprint
import websocket
address = 'PUBLICADDRESS' # e.g. ec2-107-21-197- 193.compute- 1.amazonaws. com
password = 'YOURPASSWORD'
url = 'wss://{}:443/ ws'.format( address)
ws = websocket.create_ connection( url)
counter = itertools.count()
def process(request):
request = request.copy()
request['RequestId' ] = counter.next()
ws.send(json. dumps(request) )
pprint.pprint( json.loads( ws.recv( ))) process(
dict(Type= 'Admin' , Request='Login', Params={'AuthTag': 'user-admin', 'Password': password}))
process(dict(Type= 'GUIToken' , Request='Create', Params={})) The last response should be something like this:
{u'RequestId': 2,
u'Response': {u'Created': u'2013-11-25T20: 11:41.624417Z' ,
u'Expires' : u'2013- 11-25T20: 13:41.624417Z' ,
u'Token' : u'e8ea8ac912fc4 ef6a355e82bb65c af6d'}} 7. Now in your browser construct a url that has the GUI address from step 5 and the authtoken from step 6. It should look something like this:
/PUBLICADDRESS/ ?authtoken= AUTHTOKEN Go to this address. It should log you in as it did in the sandbox.
8. Try logging in and out with different methods to see if everything works as you expect.
Thank you very much!!!
R=matthew.scott, jeff.pihach
https://codereview. appspot. com/33290043 - 1212. By Jeff Pihach
Adds relation status to inspector relation panel
The overall relation status is now indicated on the inspector relation
panel using the same icons as the unit status. If any unit has a relation
error the entire relation is shown as in error.R=gary.poster
https://codereview. appspot. com/33130043 - 1211. By Jeff Pihach
Adds ellipsis to unit list headers
The unit list headers could overflow pushing the chevron onto the next line
when the unit status name is too long. This branch maintains the unit number
and chevron in their appropriate places while limiting the length of the
unit type when closed.R=gary.poster
https://codereview. appspot. com/32260044 - 1210. By Jeff Pihach
Display all unit status categories in unit list
The inspector unit list will now display all unit error types split out each
into their own section.It now also has the ability to display all unit pending types but there are
other components which are holding this functionality back. To see it in
action load up the GUI with the 'simPend' flag. It will now show
'installing', 'dying' as well as 'pending'. This is just for illustrative
purposes.R=rharding, gary.poster
https://codereview. appspot. com/31190043 - 1209. By Huw Wilkins
Add animations to browser
I had a bit of a realisation about how we could do open animations for the browser panels. It seems to QA accross browsers and even though the panels don't animate on close I think it's worth having.
I'm hoping this might be enough that we don't have to worry about animations on close...
There is one point which might be considered a bug in that the panels will animate in on page load instead of remaining in the open state. I think this is an OK trade off, but others may feel differently.
https://codereview. appspot. com/31930043
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/juju-gui/experimental