Merge lp://staging/~gz/juju-core/trunk-security-group-group-id-1226996 into lp://staging/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk

Proposed by Martin Packman
Status: Merged
Approved by: Martin Packman
Approved revision: no longer in the source branch.
Merged at revision: 1857
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~gz/juju-core/trunk-security-group-group-id-1226996
Merge into: lp://staging/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk
Diff against target: 238 lines (+142/-9)
4 files modified
environs/jujutest/livetests.go (+4/-0)
provider/openstack/export_test.go (+24/-0)
provider/openstack/live_test.go (+84/-0)
provider/openstack/provider.go (+30/-9)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~gz/juju-core/trunk-security-group-group-id-1226996
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Juju Engineering Pending
Review via email:

Commit message

provider/openstack: bug #1226996 SecurityGroup

We intended to allow access to any port for any instance in the
default security group. However, we didn't specify a CIDR and we
didn't reference the Source Group Id. Which meant we actually were
exposing *all* ports to *all* machines.

This is a cherrypick from 1.14 rather than a merge up of all
changes, as the two branches are surprisingly diverged.


Description of the change

provider/openstack: bug #1226996 SecurityGroup

We intended to allow access to any port for any instance in the
default security group. However, we didn't specify a CIDR and we
didn't reference the Source Group Id. Which meant we actually were
exposing *all* ports to *all* machines.

This is a cherrypick from 1.14 rather than a merge up of all
changes, as the two branches are surprisingly diverged.

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Revision history for this message
Martin Packman (gz) wrote :


Please take a look.

provider/openstack: bug #1226996 SecurityGroup

We intended to allow access to any port for any instance in the
default security group. However, we didn't specify a CIDR and we
didn't reference the Source Group Id. Which meant we actually were
exposing *all* ports to *all* machines.

This is a cherrypick from 1.14 rather than a merge up of all
changes, as the two branches are surprisingly diverged.

(do not edit description out of merge proposal)

Please review this at

Affected files (+144, -9 lines):
   A [revision details]
   M environs/jujutest/livetests.go
   M provider/openstack/export_test.go
   M provider/openstack/live_test.go
   M provider/openstack/provider.go

Revision history for this message
Roger Peppe (rogpeppe) wrote :

On 2013/09/19 16:59:34, gz wrote:
> Please take a look.

LGTM assuming you've tested it live and the expose logic works
as expected.

Revision history for this message
John A Meinel (jameinel) wrote :

Hash: SHA1

> This is a cherrypick from 1.14 rather than a merge up of all
> changes, as the two branches are surprisingly diverged.

I would really like to see us get convergence here, but doing this
short term is ok. (It is only going to get harder in the future, and
make it more difficult to make bugfixes on stable branches.)


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