Merge lp://staging/~gz/juju-core/trunk-security-group-group-id-1226996 into lp://staging/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk
Status: | Merged | ||||
Approved by: | Martin Packman | ||||
Approved revision: | no longer in the source branch. | ||||
Merged at revision: | 1857 | ||||
Proposed branch: | lp://staging/~gz/juju-core/trunk-security-group-group-id-1226996 | ||||
Merge into: | lp://staging/~go-bot/juju-core/trunk | ||||
Diff against target: |
238 lines (+142/-9) 4 files modified
environs/jujutest/livetests.go (+4/-0) provider/openstack/export_test.go (+24/-0) provider/openstack/live_test.go (+84/-0) provider/openstack/provider.go (+30/-9) |
To merge this branch: | bzr merge lp://staging/~gz/juju-core/trunk-security-group-group-id-1226996 | ||||
Related bugs: |
Reviewer | Review Type | Date Requested | Status |
Juju Engineering | Pending | ||
Review via email: |
Commit message
provider/openstack: bug #1226996 SecurityGroup
We intended to allow access to any port for any instance in the
default security group. However, we didn't specify a CIDR and we
didn't reference the Source Group Id. Which meant we actually were
exposing *all* ports to *all* machines.
This is a cherrypick from 1.14 rather than a merge up of all
changes, as the two branches are surprisingly diverged.
Description of the change
provider/openstack: bug #1226996 SecurityGroup
We intended to allow access to any port for any instance in the
default security group. However, we didn't specify a CIDR and we
didn't reference the Source Group Id. Which meant we actually were
exposing *all* ports to *all* machines.
This is a cherrypick from 1.14 rather than a merge up of all
changes, as the two branches are surprisingly diverged.
Reviewers: mp+186586_ code.launchpad. net,
Please take a look.
provider/openstack: bug #1226996 SecurityGroup
We intended to allow access to any port for any instance in the
default security group. However, we didn't specify a CIDR and we
didn't reference the Source Group Id. Which meant we actually were
exposing *all* ports to *all* machines.
This is a cherrypick from 1.14 rather than a merge up of all
changes, as the two branches are surprisingly diverged.
https:/ /code.launchpad .net/~gz/ juju-core/ trunk-security- group-group- id-1226996/ +merge/ 186586
(do not edit description out of merge proposal)
Please review this at https:/ /codereview. appspot. com/13787043/
Affected files (+144, -9 lines): jujutest/ livetests. go openstack/ export_ test.go openstack/ live_test. go openstack/ provider. go
A [revision details]
M environs/
M provider/
M provider/
M provider/