
Created by Gustavo Luiz Duarte and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~gustavold/ubuntu/maverick/xserver-xorg-input-evdev/670016
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Gustavo Luiz Duarte

Recent revisions

58. By Gustavo Luiz Duarte

Pass gestures through event queue instead of sending directly to client from signal handler

57. By Chase Douglas

* Set default input module to evdev for Apple Magic Mouse (LP: #637430)
  - Add debian/local/60-magictrackpad.conf

56. By Bryce Harrington

Add 102-magic-mouse.patch - Patch from Chase Douglas to set default
input module to evdev for Apple Magic Mouse
(LP: #637430)

55. By Chase Douglas

* Add gesture support
  - Add debian/patches/100-fix-touchup-problem-on-touchpads.patch and
  - debian/rules:
    - add configure option to enable utouch-grail support
* Replace xserver-xorg-input-gevdev as it was a temporary solution
* Depend on newer utouch-grail for udebs and ABI changes
* Build depend on latest xserver-xorg-dev for serverminver dependency

54. By Chris Halse Rogers

Rebuild against new Xserver 1.9 ABI

53. By Cyril Brulebois

[ Julien Cristau ]
* Drop 05-evdev.conf, this moved to the server.
* Build-Depend on xserver-xorg-dev
* Sanitize manpage installation.
* Update to new xsfbs, use ${xinpdriver:Depends} in debian/control.

52. By Timo Aaltonen

* Merge from Debian unstable. (LP: #546933)
* control, rules: Don't build the udeb.

51. By Robert Hooker

65-xorg-evdev.rules: only set x11_driver for event devices, and also
extend to work for tablet devices. Fixes part of LP: #537801

50. By Robert Hooker

* Add 100-silence-eviocgname-error.patch:
   - Silences the harmless EVIOCGNAME errors from the log.

49. By Julien Cristau

* 65-xorg-evdev.rules: instead of blacklisting joysticks, explicitly
  whitelist keyboards, mice, touchscreens and touchpads (closes: #564219).
  We'll need a better solution, but this should do for now.
* No need to test for linux in postinst, this package only exists on linux.

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