
Created by Gunnar Hjalmarsson and last modified
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Branch information

Gunnar Hjalmarsson
GNOME Settings Daemon

Recent revisions

358. By Gunnar Hjalmarsson

* debian/patches/43_disable_locale_settings.patch:
  - Dropped since it's covered by

357. By Jeremy Bícha

releasing version 3.4.2-0ubuntu14

356. By Jeremy Bícha

* debian/patches/git_power_dbus_path.patch:
  - Fix screen not locking when lid is closed while running
    GNOME Shell on GDM (LP: #1048420)

355. By Jeremy Bícha

releasing version 3.4.2-0ubuntu13

354. By Jeremy Bícha

releasing version 3.4.2-0ubuntu12

353. By Jenkins User <jenkins@jenkins>

releasing version 3.4.2-0ubuntu11

352. By Jenkins User <jenkins@jenkins>

* debian/patches/90_set_gmenus_xsettings.patch:
  - restore ShellShowsAppMenu xsettings to true under unity, that's the
    correct thing to do since it supports appmenus and we don't need to
    workaroud issues with the new nautils since we reverted to the old one

351. By Jeremy Bícha

releasing version 3.4.2-0ubuntu10

350. By Jeremy Bícha

* 64_restore_terminal_keyboard_shortcut_schema.patch:
  - The "Launch Terminal" schema was dropped in the gconf>gsettings
    switch. Bring it back. (LP: #1010558, LP: #1040081)

349. By Sebastien Bacher

releasing version 3.4.2-0ubuntu9

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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