
Created by Eduard Gotwig and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~gotwig/+junk/eBuild-dev
Only Eduard Gotwig can upload to this branch. If you are Eduard Gotwig please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Eduard Gotwig

Recent revisions

41. By Eduard Gotwig <email address hidden>

removed postler becouse its not packaged and causes a not normal installation of other packages, set lsb-release name back to maverick so updating / upgrading will work Out-of-the-Box, added a not-ubuntu splash.pcx for isolinux

40. By Avi Romanoff

Merged gotwig's changes

39. By Avi Romanoff

Fixed kernel image bug

38. By Eduard Gotwig

added testpage.ps

37. By Eduard Gotwig

added a few things

36. By Eduard Gotwig

Hope this fixes the upgrade errors from dpkg :) if not : <email address hidden>, sry I am only in front of a windows machine!

35. By Eduard Gotwig

fixed python-apt. Please mail <email address hidden>, if you have problems with building the iso, or when the iso is not bootable!

34. By Eduard Gotwig <email address hidden>

forced dpkg to ignore the warnings

33. By Eduard Gotwig

added elementary.info and sources.list...

32. By Eduard Gotwig

fixed startup page in midori, added elementary.info, sources.list

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
