Created by
Gord Allott
and last modified
- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~gordallott/nux/keynav-fixes-11-03-10
Gord Allott
can upload to this branch. If you are
Gord Allott
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- Jay Taoko (community): Approve
Diff: 1303 lines (+694/-136)19 files modifiedNux/Area.cpp (+2/-6)
Nux/Area.h (+2/-1)
Nux/Focusable.cpp (+11/-0)
Nux/GridHLayout.cpp (+93/-0)
Nux/GridHLayout.h (+8/-0)
Nux/HLayout.cpp (+22/-0)
Nux/HLayout.h (+4/-0)
Nux/InputArea.cpp (+0/-1)
Nux/LayeredLayout.cpp (+71/-12)
Nux/LayeredLayout.h (+6/-0)
Nux/Layout.cpp (+197/-49)
Nux/Layout.h (+15/-4)
Nux/TextEntry.cpp (+82/-2)
Nux/TextEntry.h (+3/-0)
Nux/VLayout.cpp (+21/-0)
Nux/VLayout.h (+4/-0)
Nux/View.cpp (+37/-5)
Nux/View.h (+2/-0)
examples/focus.cpp (+114/-56)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 259. By Gord Allott
umm a bunch of fixes, i forgot what, last thing i did was fix layered layouts set focus method
- 256. By Gord Allott
bunch-a fixes, of note handles tab from last element better, stops double tabs that happened for some reason
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/nux