
Created by Jacek C. Wojdel and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/glimber
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Branch information

GLimber team

Recent revisions

23. By JCW

Changes to the CMake files, so that there should be no need for manual intervention when CMakeLists are modified.

22. By JCW

- changed CMake files, so that OOT build will get their own global.h file

21. By Ania Wojdel <ania@komputerek>

test commit

20. By Jacek Wojdel <jacek@komputerek>

- lots of small changes, now trying to figure out how it works with LP

19. By JCW

Small changes.

18. By j-c-wojdel

Merged stuff.

17. By Jacek Wojdel <jacek@komputerek>

Object selection code kindof works.

16. By JCW

Trying to work out the GL selection issues.

15. By JCW

Placed body definition lengths in #defs. Introduced damping in teh simulation.

14. By JCW

Simulation now working. Climber is pinned to the wall, and rag-dolls freely.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
