
Created by George Ormond Lorch III and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~gl-az/percona-xtrabackup/2.1-valgrind
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Recent revisions

629. By George Ormond Lorch III

Added new environment variables to control build:
  MAKE_ONLY - Set this to 1 to only re 'make' the server and xtrabackup. Nothing will be downloaded, unpacked or patched. This is not advised if any compiler or other flags are being changed from previous builds.
  RELWITHDEBINFO - Set this to 1 to eliminate optimizations by changing C/CXXFLAGS to -g -O0 and pass CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo to PS or MySQL 5.5+ cmake.
  WITH_VALGRIND - Set this to 1 to perform Valgrind compatible build. Eliminates optimizations just like RELWITHDEBINFO and also passes WITH_VALGRIND=ON to PS or MySQL 5.5+ cmake.
Added innobackupex option --use-valgrind which will prefix backup and apply-log calls to xtrabackup with "valgrind".
The valgrind binary must be within path and valgrind options may be set by either using the ~/.valgrindrc file or setting the environment variable VALGRIND_OPTS.

626. By Alexey Kopytov

Empty merge from 2.0.

622. By Alexey Kopytov

Bug #1198220: xtrabackup typo: Temporary instance for recovery is set as

Corrected language in the mentioned messages.

621. By Alexey Kopytov

Empty merge from 2.0.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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