
Created by Gabriel Gerga and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~gergagabriel/stoqlib/bug4040
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Gabriel Gerga

Recent revisions

3191. By Gabriel Gerga

Bug4040 - Adição de campo 'categoria' em 'Stock-receive'

3190. By Ronaldo Maia

nit: client categeory should receive a default value to avoid errors when
creating a new client.

3189. By Gabriel Gerga

Adicionando categoria de clientes

3188. By George Kussumoto

Fix: added important columns in LoanItemSearch.

3187. By George Kussumoto

Added sale loan implementation.

3186. By Gabriel Gerga

Bug4014 - Desabilitar edição do campo codigo em produtos(Correção dos espaçamentos nos arquivos modificados)

3185. By Gabriel Gerga

Bug4086 - Remocao do botao (Editar Contantes) em (Configuracao de dispositivos)

3184. By George Kussumoto

Add category column in purchase and purchase quote report.

3183. By George Kussumoto

Consider the receiving values when editing purchase payments.

3182. By George Kussumoto

Implement purchase consignment.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar RepositoryFormatKnitPack5 (bzr 1.6)
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