- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~gaspa/+junk/lernid-pygi
Branch information
- Owner:
- Andrea Gasparini
- Status:
- Development
Recent revisions
- 279. By John S. Gruber
* Change version number and create new version of .pot files
* Get rid of slide error message more quickly, and when a new attempt
is made to download slides. - 277. By John S. Gruber
* Add the --no-update command line option to supress lernid's
scheduled schedule updates.
* Scramble the calendar domain name before every calendar download
* At disconnect time, be sure schedule _update handle is removed. Don't
let an initial calendar load ending after an event is disconnected
produce schedule the update chain.
* Ignore callbacks from cancelled messages
* Select time to trigger calendar updates from a list. At :06 after
the hour and half hour. Other times are :01, :11, :21, :31, :41, :51
* Add remarks about the schedule buttons in the lernid man page.
* Clean up some corner cases when events are terminated. Schedule._event
is now None when there is no event active. Rename irclog click callback.
* Remove event interrupted message when the next connection is made.
* When a new slide load attempt is made, stop outstanding I/O and retries.
* Add a schedule refresh button
* Clean up and simplify calendar reload scheduling. Only load it every
ten minutes and once a night to produce a new irclog entry in the
* Be sure we don't pre-announce the same session twice in a row. - 273. By John S. Gruber
Don't release the nick--it causes the server to change previous
signons elsewhere to Guestn.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)