
Created by Gary Lasker and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~gary-lasker/software-center/recommends-more-button-lp971567
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Branch information

Gary Lasker
Ubuntu Software Center

Recent revisions

2942. By Gary Lasker

queue draw the header so that the more button arrow effect is properly rendered when it is shown

2940. By Michael Vogt

releasing version

2939. By Michael Vogt

* lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/recommender-profile-uploads-lp944693:
  - upload new recommender_profile if needed (LP: #944693)

2938. By Michael Vogt

releasing version 5.1.14

2937. By Kiwinote

* lp:~mvo/software-center/lp969050:
 - disconnect the view when the model is cleared to avoid a furry of
   cursor_changed signals as the rows get removed (LP: #969050)

2936. By Kiwinote

* lp:~mvo/software-center/946393:
 - fix installing multiple apps when in a custom list view (LP: #946393)

2933. By Gary Lasker

* lp:~mvo/software-center/treeview-keep-state-on-db-cache-change:
 - restore the state of the installed view treeview when the
   the db or cache changes, such as on an app install or remove

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
