
Created by Adam Gandelman and last modified
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Branch merges

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Branch information

Adam Gandelman

Recent revisions

18. By Adam Gandelman

* Merge from Debian testing (LP: #922788). Remaining changes:
  - debian/rules: use what we had in natty; we don't want ruby-pkg-tools
    in main. (LP: #408402)
  - debian/control: Continue using ruby + libopenssl-ruby as Build-Depends
    even tho Debian has moved to gem2deb (not in main). Move ruby-json to
  - debian/rules: Use dh_prep instead of dh_clean, add build-arch +
    build-indep targets
  - debian/control: Make binary package depend on ruby1.8 explicitly.
* Dropped changes:
  - debian/control: Update debhelper Build-Depends to 8 (Updated in Debian)
* Move dmidecode from Depends to Recommends (Closes: #651501)
* New upstream release
* Add dependency on dmidecode
* New upstream release

17. By Adam Gandelman

* Merge from Debian testing (LP: #888671). Remaining changes:
  - debian/rules: use what we had in natty; we don't want ruby-pkg-tools
    in main. (LP: #408402)
  - debian/control: Continue using ruby + libopenssl-ruby as Build-Depends
    even tho Debian has moved to gem2deb (not in main). Move ruby-json to
* debian/rules: Use dh_prep instead of dh_clean, add build-arch + build-indep
* debian/control: Update debhelper Build-Depends to 8, make binary package
  depend on ruby1.8 explicitly.

16. By Adam Gandelman

* Merge from Debian unstable (LP: #877621). Remaining changes:
  - debian/rules: use what we had in natty; we dont want ruby-pkg-tools
    in main. (LP: #408402)
* debian/control: Continue using ruby + libopenssl-ruby as Build-Depends
  even tho Debian has moved to gem2deb (not in main). Move ruby-json to

15. By Andres Rodriguez

* Merge from debian unstable (LP: #788284). Remaining changes:
  - Dropped ruby-pkg-tools and libsetup-ruby1.8; debian/rules: use what we
    had in natty; we dont want ruby-pkg-tools in main. (LP: #408402)
* Dropped changes to lib/facter/ec2.rb. (Use the latest-meta api so it
  always does not retunr false). This was fixed upstream.

14. By Chuck Short

lib/facter/ec2.rb: Use the latest-meta api so it always
does not return false. (LP: #732953)

13. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian unstable. Remaining changes:
  - Dropped ruby-pkg-tools and libsetup-ruby1.8, we dont want ruby-pkg-tools
    in main. (LP: #408402)

12. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian unstable, remaining changes are:
  - Dropped ruby-pkg-tools and libsetup-ruby1.8, we dont want ruby-pkg-tools
    in main. (LP: #408402)

11. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian testing. Remaining changes:
  - Dropped ruby-pkg-tools, and libsetup-ruby1.8, and cdbs, use what
    we had in lucid. Since we dont want ruby-pkg-tools in main
    (LP: #408402)

10. By Chuck Short

Dropped ruby-pkg-tools, and libsetup-ruby1.8, and cdbs, use what
we had in karmic. Since we dont want ruby-pkg-tools in main.
(LP: #408402)

9. By Chuck Short

* Merge from debian testing, remaining changes:
  - Use bind9-host9 only.

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