
Created by Adam Gandelman and last modified
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Adam Gandelman

Recent revisions

22. By Adam Gandelman

* Merge from Debian testing (LP: #879743). Remaining changes:
  - debian/dahdi-dkms.install.in : add .version
  - Import modifications by Javier Uruen Val <email address hidden>:
    - debian/system.conf
    - debian/modules
  - DKMS support:
    - debian/control: Added Depends to dahdi-linux (dahdi-dkms | dahdi-source)
    - debian/control: Add dkms package
    - debian/dahdi-dkms.install
    - debian/dahdi-dkms.postinst
    - debian/dahdi-dkms.prerm
    - debian/dahdi-linux.install
    - debian/rules: add code to automatically configure dkms.conf
    - debian/dkms.conf.in
* Dropped changes:
  - debian/control: Fix typo (right command is m-a a-i dahdi-source)
  - debian/patches/define_spinlock: Fixed upstream
* debian/rules: Debian moved to dh, re-add code to automatically configure
* debian/dkms.conf.in: update to reflect dahdi-linux-extra patch update
  (opvxa1200's new location (subdir) and to include ap400 and opvxd115)
* debian/patches/zaphfc_d_channel_fix.patch: Correct typo in zaphfc module
  until fix gets synced into dahdi-linux-extra patch in Debian (LP: #612091)
* New upstream release (Closes: #639702).
  - Patch wcb4xxp_bn4s0e removed: merged upstream.
  - Patch define_spinlock removed: merged upstream.
  - Patch dahdi-linux-extra updated.
* Updated dahdi-linux-extra:
  - "Upstream" is now a complete git mirror.
  - Actually include ap400 in the list of modules to build.
  - Updated OpenVox drivers: opvxa1200 is a subdirectory
  - Updated OpenVox drivers: opvxd115 added (digital cards).
* Patch define_spinlock: include a (slightly big) build fix from upstream.
* Standards version 3.9.2 (no change needed).
* Switch to dh.
* Patch notest: Remove a bogus upstream 'test' target.
* Lintian override for an odd interpteter a dummy kernel module init script.
* Dahdi udev rules are now named 'dahdi-linux.conf'.
* Patch xpp_fix_2fxs6fxo: bugfix for Xorcom 2FXX6FXO module code.

21. By Adam Gandelman

debian/patches/define_spinlock: Fix DKMS FTBFS, move test for
DEFINE_SPINLOCK into include/dahdi/kernel.h. Cherry picked from upstream
commit (r9411)

20. By Adam Gandelman

* Merge from Debian unstable (Remaining changes):
  - debian/dahdi-dkms.install.in : add .version
  - debian/rules : cleanup dahdi-dkms.install and dkms.conf after build
  - debian/control: Fix typo (right command is m-a a-i dahdi-source)
  - Import modifications by Javier Uruen Val <email address hidden>:
    - debian/system.conf
    - debian/modules
  - DKMS support:
    - debian/control: Added Depends to dahdi-linux (dahdi-dkms | dahdi-source)
    - debian/control: Add dkms package
    - debian/dahdi-dkms.install
    - debian/dahdi-dkms.postinst
    - debian/dahdi-dkms.prerm
    - debian/dahdi-linux.install
    - debian/rules: add code to automatically configure dkms.conf
    - debian/dkms.conf.in

19. By Dave Walker

* debian/patches/bkl_fix_ioctl: Do not ioctl when unlocked_ioctl is available.
  Previous behaviour was causing a dkms build failure. Patch cherry picked
  from upstream commit (r9142). (LP: #731197)
* debian/patches/drop_semaphores_as_mutexes: Use of semaphores as mutexes
  feature was removed from the kernel, causing dkms build failure. Patch
  cherry picked from upstream commit (r9464), with minor alterations.

18. By Stefan Lesicnik

* Merge from Debian testing (Remaining changes):
  - debian/dahdi-dkms.install.in : add .version
  - debian/dkms.conf.in : do not 'make clean' after compile. We have to
    do this because the wanpipe (sangoma) drivers need Module.symvers.
  - debian/rules : cleanup dahdi-dkms.install and dkms.conf after build
  - debian/control: Change Maintainer
  - debian/control: Removed Uploaders field.
  - debian/control: Removed Debian Vcs-Svn entry and replaced with
    ubuntu-voip Vcs-Bzr, to reflect divergence in packages.
  - debian/control: Fix typo (right command is m-a a-i dahdi-source)
  - Import modifications by Javier Uruen Val <email address hidden>:
    - debian/system.conf
    - debian/modules
  - DKMS support:
    - debian/control: Added Depends to dahdi-linux (dahdi-dkms | dahdi-source)
    - debian/control: Add dkms package
    - debian/dahdi-dkms.install
    - debian/dahdi-dkms.postinst
    - debian/dahdi-dkms.prerm
    - debian/dahdi-linux.install
    - debian/rules: add code to automatically configure dkms.conf
    - debian/dkms.conf.in
* debian/dkms.conf.in: Add () so make.log captures all output
* debian/dkms.conf.in: Build dahdi_dummy as module to fix dkms build failure

17. By Stefan Lesicnik

xpp rules no longer required

16. By Stefan Lesicnik

Remove uploaders as per merge
Remove quilt as it builds without and is like that in debian

15. By Stefan Lesicnik

Remove patch as no longer required

14. By Stefan Lesicnik

Remove 2.6.35-build.patch as it is no longer required

13. By Stefan Lesicnik

Fix dkms make.log and dkms failure status 7 by building dahdi_dummy

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