Merge lp://staging/~fred-wang/firefox/wily-bug-1473552 into lp://staging/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.wily
Status: | Needs review |
Proposed branch: | lp://staging/~fred-wang/firefox/wily-bug-1473552 |
Merge into: | lp://staging/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox.wily |
Diff against target: |
42 lines (+11/-2) 3 files modified
debian/changelog (+7/-0) debian/control (+2/-1) debian/ (+2/-1) |
To merge this branch: | bzr merge lp://staging/~fred-wang/firefox/wily-bug-1473552 |
Related bugs: |
Reviewer | Review Type | Date Requested | Status |
Chris Coulson | Pending | ||
Review via email: |
Description of the change
For historical reasons, the Firefox package suggests fonts-lyx which contains "TeX's Computer Modern Fonts" that were needed for the MathML support of Gecko 1.8 (https:/
* Latin Modern = "computer modern" style used by default in LaTeX, compatible with the old true type fonts.
* STIX fonts (fonts-stix) = fonts created by a consortium of scientific orgs, with large unicode coverage for math symbols.
This aligns with Debian's experimental iceweasel package:
Note: I'm not sure whether I should also submit merge request for the stable/ beta/aurora/ trunk branches. Apparently the change from ttf- packages to font- packages (Sat, 22 Mar 2014) is not included in these branches.