Merge lp://staging/~fourdollars/unity-greeter/add-hidpi-support into lp://staging/unity-greeter

Proposed by Shih-Yuan Lee
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~fourdollars/unity-greeter/add-hidpi-support
Merge into: lp://staging/unity-greeter
Diff against target: 84 lines (+33/-12)
1 file modified
src/unity-greeter.vala (+33/-12)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~fourdollars/unity-greeter/add-hidpi-support
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Robert Ancell Needs Information
Shih-Yuan Lee (community) Needs Information
PS Jenkins bot (community) continuous-integration Needs Fixing
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Add HiDPI display support.

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Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :

FAILED: Continuous integration, rev:1468
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review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
1468. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :

Can't this just be completed using the existing GDK API instead of using X calls?


var use_hidpi = false;
var screen = Gdk.Screen.get_default ()
for (var i = 0; i < screen.get_n_monitors (); i++)
    var width_mm = screen.get_monitor_width_mm (i);
    var height_mm = screen.get_monitor_height_mm (i);
    var ppi = ...
    if (ppp ...)
        use_hidpi = true;

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :

No, this step needs to be done before GDK initialized.

1469. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1470. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1471. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :

BTW, by the internal design of GTK+3/GDK, unity-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon should be started before any GTK+3/GDK based application.
Because the xsettings plugin will bring up a property called '_XSETTINGS_SETTINGS', and every GTK+3/GDK based application will look for this property to set the proper scale factor when it starts.
This scale factor will be changed with "gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor".
The current design of unity-greeter will execute Gtk.init() or Gdk.init() before unity-settings-daemon starts, so the scale factor is already set as 1 by default because it can not find the X property '_XSETTINGS_SETTINGS'.
If we can execute unity-settings-daemon before Gtk.init()/Gdk.init() and make sure the X property '_XSETTINGS_SETTINGS' is already there, we may not need this patch.

1472. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :

That seems like a better solution. We should start unity-settings-daemon before we initialize GTK+ because all sorts of behaviour might change when it starts.

1473. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1474. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1475. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1476. By Robert Ancell

Ensure non-selected prompt boxes don't overlap adjacent boxes. This fixes a bug where you couldn't select usernames

1477. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1478. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1479. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1480. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1481. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1482. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1483. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1484. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1485. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1486. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1487. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1488. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1489. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1490. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1491. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1492. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1493. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1494. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1495. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

1496. By Launchpad Translations on behalf of unity-greeter-team

Launchpad automatic translations update.

Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Needs Fixing (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :


Could you help to review my revision?
I saw the failed of jenkins, but it doesn't seem relative to my change.

review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :

I don't understand the purpose of:

var builder = new StringBuilder ();
builder.append ("xwininfo -root -tree");
builder.append ("| awk '{print $1}'");
builder.append ("| grep ^0x");
builder.append ("| while read id; do xprop -id $id; done");
builder.append ("| grep _XSETTINGS_SETTINGS > /dev/null");

Why do we need to do this?

review: Needs Information
Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :
Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :

Making obsolete should be OK.
It is up to Robert.

The StringBuilder is to create commands combo to check if the xsettings plugin of unity-settings-daemon is ready or not.

Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :

> The StringBuilder is to create commands combo to check if the xsettings plugin
> of unity-settings-daemon is ready or not.

That seems really hacky - how does Unity shell tell if the xsettings plugin is active? We should use the same method,

Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :

So far as I know, Unity shell does nothing for the xsettings plugin.

Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :

Looking at unity-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon/main.c

static void
name_acquired_handler (GDBusConnection *connection,
                       const gchar *name,
                       gpointer user_data)
        GDBusProxy *proxy;

        proxy = gnome_settings_session_get_session_proxy ();
#ifdef HAVE_IBUS
        set_legacy_ibus_env_vars (proxy);
        start_settings_manager ();
        register_with_gnome_session (proxy);
        watch_for_term_signal (manager);

And in unity-greeter/src/settings-daemon.vala:

[DBus (name="org.gnome.SessionManager")]
public class SessionManagerInterface : Object
    public bool session_is_active { get { return true; } }
    public string session_name { get { return "ubuntu"; } }
    public uint32 inhibited_actions { get { return 0; } }

So I think you should be able to add a register_client method and wait for "gnome-settings-daemon" to connect.

Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :

I think for Unity shell it's probably managed in gnome-session (i.e. the shell doesn't start until gnome-session has gnome-settings-daemon connect).

Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :

Even unity-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon is connected, it doesn't mean the xsettings plugin is ready.
Is there any way to check if the xsettings plugin is ready directly?

Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :

I don't know of a method for this, but:
- Does this mean there's a race condition if you start a GTK+ application in Unity before the xsettings plugin is ready? And we only see this in the greeter because we start quickly?
- Do we need to wait for the plugin? Shouldn't GTK+ detect when this setting appears/changes and adjust appropriately?

Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :

- Yes, there is a race condition. We also see this issue in another bug #1382291.
- GTK+ will detect _XSETTINGS_SETTINGS in the first function call relative to the graphics. If it can not find _XSETTINGS_SETTINGS, it will use 1 as the scale factor by default when the scale factor is actually 2 in _XSETTINGS_SETTINGS.

1497. By Shih-Yuan Lee

Waiting for the xsettings plugin of unity-settings-daemon. (LP: #1286878)

Revision history for this message
Robert Ancell (robert-ancell) wrote :

The problem with this branch is the hack calling xwininfo from the the greeter before starting. This is risky because:
- We're calling a relatively complicated shell script from inside an executable (very hard to understand)
- We're blocking startup for this to complete (if something goes wrong we have no UI)

The changes without this hack will be accepted, then it might be easier to do a second MP to solve the race condition.

Revision history for this message
Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote :

@Shih-Yuan Lee, are we sure about the "the xsettings needs to be set before GTK starts"?

I just did that test
- start a wmaker session
- run gedit
- run unity-settings-daemon
- change the scaling-factor gsettings key

gedit scaled fine, obviously it was started before having a settings manager...

(that's on vivid)

Revision history for this message
Sebastien Bacher (seb128) wrote :

should that be rejected? the greeter correctly scale now in vivid with unity-settings-daemon

Revision history for this message
Shih-Yuan Lee (fourdollars) wrote :


I believe there is some improvement for the GTK+2/GTK+3 in vivid so we may not need this in vivid.

Unmerged revisions

1497. By Shih-Yuan Lee

Waiting for the xsettings plugin of unity-settings-daemon. (LP: #1286878)

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