
Created by Fernando Perez and last modified

This is my copy of trunk, where I do regular, ongoing development. It will be ready for review and merging most of the time.

Get this branch:
bzr branch lp://staging/~fdo.perez/ipython/trunk-dev
Only Fernando Perez can upload to this branch. If you are Fernando Perez please log in for upload directions.

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Branch information

Fernando Perez

Recent revisions

1350. By Fernando Perez

Merging with upstream

1349. By Fernando Perez

Merging with upstream

1348. By Fernando Perez

Fix small typo in variable name.

1347. By Fernando Perez

Added diagnostics printout at the end of the test suite.

This will make it easier for us to understand problem reports from users.

1346. By Fernando Perez

Moved system info into its own utility, so we can use in in test suite too.

1345. By Fernando Perez

Robustness fixes in test suite machinery.

Added a module-level INSTALLED flag, which can be set to false if the test
suite is being run in-place (without ipython having been installed at all).
This is because how we call and import things must be done differently
depending on whether the code is installed or is being run in-place. The
only ones that can know this reliably are the entry-point scripts, so those
are responsible for setting this flag.

Also made the code that validates ipython in subprocesses report errors
better, by checking stderr for errors before validating stdout output, as
anything on stderr will be likely informative of the real problem.

1344. By Fernando Perez

Inform user at install time of minimal python requirements if not met.

Fixes: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ipython/+bug/505090

1343. By Fernando Perez

Give good error message when starting tests if nose is missing.

1342. By Fernando Perez

Include iptest.py in MANIFEST so it gets shipped.

1341. By Fernando Perez

Doc updates to testing to reflect recent changes.

Updated revnumber to push an updated testing release out for this branch.

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
This branch contains Public information 
Everyone can see this information.
