Merge lp://staging/~fboucault/webbrowser-app/downloads_emblem into lp://staging/webbrowser-app/staging

Proposed by Florian Boucault
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~fboucault/webbrowser-app/downloads_emblem
Merge into: lp://staging/webbrowser-app/staging
Prerequisite: lp://staging/~osomon/webbrowser-app/qmltests
Diff against target: 659 lines (+345/-23)
17 files modified
src/app/browserapplication.cpp (+2/-1)
src/app/ (+2/-2)
src/app/webbrowser/Browser.qml (+10/-1)
src/app/webbrowser/Chrome.qml (+1/-0)
src/app/webbrowser/CountEmblem.qml (+66/-0)
src/app/webbrowser/DownloadHandler.qml (+61/-0)
src/app/webbrowser/NavigationBar.qml (+28/-1)
src/app/webbrowser/TabComponent.qml (+0/-1)
src/app/webbrowser/downloads-model.cpp (+21/-0)
src/app/webbrowser/downloads-model.h (+1/-0)
src/app/webbrowser/webbrowser-app.cpp (+1/-1)
src/app/webbrowser/webbrowser-app.qml (+16/-0)
tests/qmltests/webbrowser-app/SingleWindowTestCase.qml (+3/-3)
tests/qmltests/webbrowser-app/WebbrowserAppTestCase.qml (+1/-1)
tests/qmltests/webbrowser-app/tst_Downloads.qml (+117/-11)
tests/qmltests/webbrowser-app/webbrowser-app-qmltests-launcher.cpp (+2/-1)
tests/unittests/downloads-model/tst_DownloadsModelTests.cpp (+13/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~fboucault/webbrowser-app/downloads_emblem
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Olivier Tilloy Pending
Review via email:

This proposal supersedes a proposal from 2017-03-10.

Description of the change

Download UX: when initiating a download do not take the user to the downloads page but display a download emblem instead.

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Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

If I initiate a download, I get the animated blue emblem. If I then open the downloads page before the download has completed and keep it open until after the download has completed, I would expect that when closing it, the download emblem is gone, because I obviously know that the download is complete. But it’s still there (turned to green).

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

If I initiate a long-running download (try the daily-live ubuntu ISO image), then open the downloads page before the download has completed, and cancel the download, after closing the page I’m seeing a green emblem. That’s probably related to the issue I pointed out above, but it’s slightly worse because a cancelled download shouldn’t be advertised as finished, I think.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

One really cool thing is that if I initiate a long-running download and then close the browser, when I open it again the animated emblem is still there to remind me that I have an ongoing download.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

If I initiate a download in a browser window, I get the animated blue emblem. If I then open another browser window before the download has completed, the other window also has the emblem. When the download completes, the animation finishes and the emblem turns green in both windows.
However if I open the downloads page in one of the windows and then close it, the emblem goes away in that window, but not in the other one. I would expect it to go away in all windows.

review: Needs Fixing
Revision history for this message
Florian Boucault (fboucault) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

All 3 issues were fixed.

Revision history for this message
Olivier Tilloy (osomon) wrote : Posted in a previous version of this proposal

Overall, LGTM. I have a few minor comments, please see inline.

1652. By Florian Boucault


Unmerged revisions

1652. By Florian Boucault


1651. By Florian Boucault

Added download count emblem related tests

1650. By Florian Boucault

Merged lp:~fboucault/webbrowser-app/qmltests

1649. By Florian Boucault

Merged lp:~osomon/webbrowser-app/qmltests

1648. By Florian Boucault

Merged lp:~osomon/webbrowser-app/qmltests

1647. By Florian Boucault

Merged staging

1646. By Florian Boucault

Readonly properties when it makes sense

1645. By Florian Boucault

Fixed typo: added 'n' to 'dowloads'

1644. By Florian Boucault

Synchronise finished downloads accross windows.
Discard finished downloads if the downloads view is opened.

1643. By Florian Boucault

Merged from staging

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