Merge lp://staging/~fboucault/unity-mir/dpr_rebase_qt_5.1 into lp://staging/unity-mir

Proposed by Florian Boucault
Status: Work in progress
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~fboucault/unity-mir/dpr_rebase_qt_5.1
Merge into: lp://staging/unity-mir
Diff against target: 72 lines (+24/-4)
2 files modified
src/modules/Unity/Application/inputarea.cpp (+21/-4)
src/modules/Unity/Application/inputarea.h (+3/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~fboucault/unity-mir/dpr_rebase_qt_5.1
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
Florian Boucault (community) Disapprove
PS Jenkins bot (community) continuous-integration Approve
Ricardo Mendoza Pending
Review via email:

Commit message

Rebase resolution independence on Qt's infrastructure:
- QPlatformScreen::devicePixelRatio
- QPlatformWindow::devicePixelRatio

Change is only enabled for Qt version >= 5.1

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Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Approve (continuous-integration)
186. By Florian Boucault

Take into account that there might not be a window.

Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Approve (continuous-integration)
187. By Florian Boucault

Round width and height so that the actual dimensions are computed from the virtual ones without missing any pixel.

Revision history for this message
PS Jenkins bot (ps-jenkins) wrote :
review: Approve (continuous-integration)
Revision history for this message
Florian Boucault (fboucault) wrote :

This change should be landed for now as the DPR patches in QtUbuntu and the UI Toolkit are only enabled for the webbrowser and the webapps (not for Unity).

review: Disapprove

Unmerged revisions

187. By Florian Boucault

Round width and height so that the actual dimensions are computed from the virtual ones without missing any pixel.

186. By Florian Boucault

Take into account that there might not be a window.

185. By Florian Boucault

Rebase resolution independence on Qt's infrastructure:
- QPlatformScreen::devicePixelRatio
- QPlatformWindow::devicePixelRatio

Change is only enabled for Qt version >= 5.1

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