
Created by Evan and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~ev/daisy/optional_s3
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Recent revisions

207. By Evan

Log failures to process cores.

206. By Evan

Further fixes to write_s3_bucket_to_disk.

205. By Evan

Fix silly typos pointed out by pitti.

204. By Evan

Initial commit of making s3 support optional. Originally branched from lp:~ev/daisy/s3.

203. By Martin Pitt

Add mandatory --architecture option

With Apport 2.7 we can now process reports from any architecture. Add an
-a/--architecture option to process_core.py to check which rabbit queue to
listen to, instead of checking the system architecture (which does not really
matter any more with gdb-multiarch).

Note that this requires a corresponding change in the upstart jobs set up by
the deployment charm.

202. By Martin Pitt

fix indentation error

201. By Martin Pitt

retracer config: Add armhf sources

Apport >= 2.7 supports retracing reports of foreign architectures. Add apt
sources for Ubuntu armhf (12.04, 12.10, and 13.04) for this. These new files
are harmless with older Apport versions.

200. By Martin Pitt

retracer 12.04/12.10 config: Add missing ddeb pockets

199. By Martin Pitt

retracer 13.04 config: Do not use -proposed, add missing pockets

-proposed is only a build/test staging area during development release, we
should not get any actual crash reports from that. This only causes more
package version mismatches. So comment out -proposed for now.

Add the missing raring-{updates,security} pockets.

198. By Martin Pitt

use our own crash database config

Do not rely on /etc/apport/crashdb.conf, but ship our own minimal config and
use that. This will allow us to use Apport from a bzr checkout.

Branch metadata

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