
Created by Andrew Johnson and last modified
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EPICS Core Developers

Recent revisions

12749. By mdavidsaver

libCom/RTEMS: avoid multiple defs w/ RTEMS < 4.12

12748. By mdavidsaver

libCom: rtems < 4.12 doesn't have SO_REUSEPORT

12747. By Andrew Johnson

Network config changes, to generalize

12746. By Heinz Junkes

in 'configure/os/CONFIG.Common.RTEMS-beatnik
set MY_DO_BOOTP to rtems_bsdnet_do_bootp as I have checked just
   "network booting" with dhcp. Booting with NVRAM-settings not tested until now

in src/libCom/RTEMS/posix/rtems_netconfig.c
Interface named defined in ./configure/os/CONFIG.Common.RTEMS-beatnik
done just for powerpc-beatnik

Initial date in src/libCom/RTEMS/rtems_init.c
100 years after the sinking of the Titanik, I was 50 years old ;-)

I still do not know where where routine bspExtMemProb and bspExtInit() come from.

No special rtems-version. I modified the "standard" posix osdThread.c
Add __thread (thread local variable) instead of posix key.
Other stack-space, printk statements, all with #if defined (__rtems__).
Hope this is ok.

12745. By Andrew Johnson

Convert to OS_API layout

12744. By Andrew Johnson

Support for OS_API variable

12743. By Heinz Junkes <email address hidden>

RTEMS4.12 Port for EPICS 3.16

12742. By Andrew Johnson

Removed some Revision-Id keywords

12741. By Andrew Johnson

Update mingw32 cross-target name for RHEL7

12740. By Andrew Johnson

Merged changes from 3.15 branch, to revno 12781

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