- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~eochoa/addons-cluster/pos_restaurant
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 155. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
[IMP] pos_restaurant:
-Es posible modificar las propiedades de la orden
a traves del wizard
-It's possible to modify the properties of the order
through the wizard - 154. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
[REF] pos_restaurant:
-Ajustados margenes para el widget
PropertySelector-Set margins for the PropertySelector
widget - 153. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
-Mezcada rama actual con la principal-Merged this branch with trunk
- 151. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
[IMP] pos_restaurant:
-Extendido modelo OrderLine para agregar los metodos
addProperties y setOrderLines que permiten especificar
las propiedades asociadas a un producto
-Extendido OrderLineWidget para dibujar las
propiedades asociadas a un producto
-Modificado el boton done del widget PropertySelector
para modificar el pedido si ya existe[IMP] pos_restaurant:
-Extended model OrderLine to add methods
setOrderLines addProperties and for specifying
the properties associated with a product
-Extended OrderLineWidget to draw
Properties associated with a product
-Modified the PropertySelector donate button widget
to modify the order if already exists - 149. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
-Fixed bug rendering a existing stored image
in the same page - 148. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
-Created Order Customization transition
in PropertySelector widget - 147. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
-Added OrderSummary transition to the
PropertySelector widget - 146. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
-PropertySelector widget now works for
single choice or multi type
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/addons-cluster