- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~eochoa/addons-cluster/client_action
Branch merges
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 119. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
-Added listener to windows resize event to center the popup when the navigator windows
change its size - 118. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
-The cash journal now is a instrument
-Paypadwidget now contains only payment instruments
buttons instead of journals
-BankSelectorPopup and InstrumentSelectorPopup now
containt only html buttons instead of action button widgets
-BankSelectorPopup and InstrumentSelectorPopup trigger
done event
-Paypadwidget handle the done event[REM]
-Removed BankActionButton and InstrumentActionButton
widgets - 117. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
-Adjust css styles
-Set module payment instrumet depends of pos_base - 114. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
-Add closeable parameter to show/hide the popup close icon
-Add show function to call renderElement function - 113. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
Merged branch lp:~team-cluster/addons-cluster/eochoa-pos-base to
add a new module named pos_base - 112. By Eduardo Ochoa - Cluster Brands
-Renamed module "pos_extending_closing" to pos_cash_count
-added field transaction_count to account_bank_statement
-modified pos_session_form view to enable editing for the field
-modified pos_session_form view to add the field transaction_count
to the tree
-enabled difference adjusment for bank journals
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/addons-cluster