Thanks, looks good. Upload sponsored:
Vcs-Git: Vcs-Git-Commit: 72ea84d47af8a68360f3ece054768df33de40298 Vcs-Git-Ref: refs/heads/merge-mantic
gpg: ../cron_3.0pl1-162ubuntu1_source.changes: Valid signature from E603B2578FB8F0FB Checking signature on .dsc gpg: ../cron_3.0pl1-162ubuntu1.dsc: Valid signature from E603B2578FB8F0FB Uploading to ubuntu (via ftp to Uploading cron_3.0pl1-162ubuntu1.dsc: done. Uploading cron_3.0pl1-162ubuntu1.debian.tar.xz: done. Uploading cron_3.0pl1-162ubuntu1_source.buildinfo: done. Uploading cron_3.0pl1-162ubuntu1_source.changes: done. Successfully uploaded packages.
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Thanks, looks good. Upload sponsored:
Vcs-Git: https:/ /git.launchpad. net/~bryce/ ubuntu/ +source/ cron 360f3ece054768d f33de40298 merge-mantic
Vcs-Git-Commit: 72ea84d47af8a68
Vcs-Git-Ref: refs/heads/
gpg: ../cron_ 3.0pl1- 162ubuntu1_ source. changes: Valid signature from E603B2578FB8F0FB 3.0pl1- 162ubuntu1. dsc: Valid signature from E603B2578FB8F0FB 0pl1-162ubuntu1 .dsc: done. 0pl1-162ubuntu1 .debian. tar.xz: done. 0pl1-162ubuntu1 _source. buildinfo: done. 0pl1-162ubuntu1 _source. changes: done.
Checking signature on .dsc
gpg: ../cron_
Uploading to ubuntu (via ftp to
Uploading cron_3.
Uploading cron_3.
Uploading cron_3.
Uploading cron_3.
Successfully uploaded packages.