
Created by Leo Arias and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~elopio/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/fix_packaging
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Leo Arias
Ubuntu Autopilot Tests

Recent revisions

24. By Leo Arias

Added a couple of things from pybuild wiki.

23. By Leo Arias

Fix a couple of minor issues that slipped in with the ContactsDbusService branch.

22. By Leo Arias

Ported package to python3. Removed dialer tests for now, because it is python2.

21. By Dan Chapman 

Merge: Brendan Donegan 2014-06-19 Fix call to get_vcard_uid

20. By Leo Arias

skiptest is a typo in test_osd_dialer_integration.py, should be skipTest

19. By Leo Arias

Test that online accounts launched with url dispatcher can be swiped into background.

18. By Leo Arias

Added readme file describing the directory structure and class name format when adding new tests.

17. By Leo Arias

Cleaned up the test to use the helpers from the dialer app.

16. By Leo Arias

Update the environment to use the helpers from the toolkit.

15. By Leo Arias

Added flake8 check to the debian package.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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