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Name Last Modified Last Commit
majduk/feature/bind-host 2019-10-08 21:00:24 UTC
Explicit addr in bind host

Author: MichaƂ Ajduk
Author Date: 2019-10-08 20:39:51 UTC

Explicit addr in bind host

The _site_ and _local_ macros don't include the fan interface (if it
exists). Unfortunately, the fan IP is what gets reported by network-get,
unit-get private-addr, etc, so things like the elastic beats try to
connect to ES on an IP that it's not listening to.

Fix this by adding the ip that ES sends over the relation (unit_private_addr)
to the bind_host config.

master 2019-09-24 17:37:05 UTC
Fix unit status after installation

Author: Erlon R. Cruz
Author Date: 2019-09-24 17:37:05 UTC

Fix unit status after installation

Reviewed-on: https://code.launchpad.net/~sombrafam/elasticsearch-charm/+git/elasticsearch-charm/+merge/372683
Reviewed-by: Jeremy Lounder <jeremy.lounder@canonical.com>
Reviewed-by: Stuart Bishop <stuart.bishop@canonical.com>

feature/bind-host 2018-09-19 08:19:40 UTC
explicit addr in bind host

Author: Kevin W Monroe
Author Date: 2018-09-19 08:19:40 UTC

explicit addr in bind host

The _site_ and _local_ macros don't include the fan interface (if it
exists). Unfortunately, the fan IP is what gets reported by network-get,
unit-get private-addr, etc, so things like the elastic beats try to
connect to ES on an IP that it's not listening to.

Fix this by adding the ip that ES sends over the relation (unit_private_addr)
to the bind_host config.

13 of 3 results
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