- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/python-imaging
Branch merges
Branch information
Import details
This branch is an import of the Subversion branch from http://svn.effbot.python-hosting.com/pil/.
Last successful import was .
branch no longer exists
Recent revisions
- 11. By effbot
To prepare to load Imaging-
1.1.6a1- 20051211 into pil, perform 1 rename. * pil/CHANGES: Renamed from pil/CHANGES-115.
- 9. By effbot
To prepare to load Imaging-1.1.5 into pil, perform 59 renames.
* pil/Docs/
pythondoc- PIL.ArgImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ArgImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.BdfFontFile .html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.BdfFontFile .html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.BmpImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.BmpImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.BufrStubIma gePlugin. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ContainerIO .html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.CurImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.CurImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.DcxImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.DcxImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.EpsImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.EpsImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.FliImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.FliImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.FontFile. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.FontFile. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.FpxImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.FpxImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.GbrImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.GbrImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.GdImageFile .html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.GdImageFile .html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.GifImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.GifImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.GimpGradien tFile.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.GimpGradien tFile.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.GimpPalette File.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.GimpPalette File.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.IcoImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.IcoImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.Image. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.Image. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageChops. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageChops. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageColor. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageColor. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageDraw. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageDraw. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageEnhanc e.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageEnhanc e.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageFile. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageFile. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageFileIO .html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageFileIO .html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageFilter .html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageFilter .html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageFont. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageFont. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageGrab. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageGrab. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageOps. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageOps. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageSequen ce.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageSequen ce.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageStat. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageStat. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageTk. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageTk. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageTransf orm.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageTransf orm.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImageWin. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImageWin. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImImagePlug in.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImImagePlug in.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.ImtImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.ImtImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.IptcImagePl ugin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.IptcImagePl ugin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.JpegImagePl ugin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.JpegImagePl ugin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.McIdasImage Plugin. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.McIdasImage Plugin. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.MicImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.MicImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.MpegImagePl ugin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.MpegImagePl ugin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.MspImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.MspImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.PaletteFile .html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.PaletteFile .html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.PcdImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.PcdImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.PcfFontFile .html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.PcfFontFile .html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.PcxImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.PcxImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.PixarImageP lugin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.PixarImageP lugin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.PngImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.PngImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.PpmImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.PpmImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.PsdImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.PsdImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.SgiImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.SgiImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.SunImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.SunImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.TarIO. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.TarIO. html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.TgaImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.TgaImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.TiffImagePl ugin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.TiffImagePl ugin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.WalImageFil e.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.WalImageFil e.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.WmfImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.WmfImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.XbmImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.XbmImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.XpmImagePlu gin.html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.XpmImagePlu gin.html.
* pil/Docs/pythondoc- PIL.XVThumbImag ePlugin. html: Renamed from
pil/Docs/PIL.XVThumbImag ePlugin. html.
* pil/Docs/effbot. css: Renamed from pil/Docs/ pythondoc. css. - 8. By effbot
To prepare to load Imaging-1.1.5 into pil, perform 4 renames.
* pil/Sane/_sane.c: Renamed from pil/Sane/
_sanemodule. c.
* pil/CHANGES-115: Renamed from pil/CHANGES-114.
* pil/Docs: Renamed from pil/Doc.
* pil/Sane/demo_pil. py: Renamed from pil/Sane/demo.py. - 6. By effbot
To prepare to load Imaging-1.1.4 into pil, perform 2 renames.
* pil/CHANGES-114: Renamed from pil/CHANGES-113.
* pil/doctest.py: Renamed from pil/MiniTest/doctest. py.
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)