
Created by Jonathan Thomas and last modified

Port the PyQt4 frontend to PyKDE4 for better integration.

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bzr branch lp://staging/~echidnaman/software-properties/pykde4
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Branch information

Jonathan Thomas
Software Properties

Recent revisions

586. By Jonathan Thomas

Our QWidget is inside the KCModule thanks to apachelogger
We also show up in KPackageKit's module now

585. By Jonathan Thomas

Being to port things to KCM

584. By Harald Sitter

KDE frontend: replace old manual listing of file endings for key import
with mimetype based model (no need to support old stuff since it is so
incredibly wrong... ending-wise that is)

583. By Harald Sitter

* Suffix software-properties.desktop with -gtk.desktop
* Create a copy of that file with suffix -kde.desktop
  + Change to KDE icon and exec
  + Add NoDisplay=true, the desktop file is only necessary for kdesudo to
    have it show a proper name and icon which does not require it to show
    up anywhere
* software-properties-kde depends on install-package for reloading the
  repository information and cache updating (LP: #367972)
* Fix typo in software-properties-kde description (QT -> Qt)
* if != if not ... only show key removal error if there really was a
  problem (LP: #123372)
* Make python-software-properties go to section python
* Add manpage for software-properties-kde (generated by kdemangen.pl from
  the kdesdk-scripts package (low maintenance)
* Clearify license versions in copyright file
* Bump standards version to 3.8.3

582. By Michael Vogt

merge the change from apachelogger

581. By Michael Vogt

Use "Other Software" instead of "Third Party Software" (LP: #420672)

580. By Harald Sitter

Add actual PGP key file endings to the KDE file picker whitelist (keep
old endings around for compability)

579. By Michael Vogt

update software-properties.pot (LP: #407240)

578. By Michael Vogt

releasing version 0.75.1

577. By Michael Vogt

* softwareproperties/SoftwareProperties.py:
  - allow removing of sources.list.d files with just a single
    line (LP: #399898)
* add-apt-repository:
  - ensure that new files are created with 0644 by default
    (LP: #399709)

Branch metadata

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