- Get this branch:
- bzr branch lp://staging/~dorian-kemps/unifield-server/US-10783
Branch merges
- UniField Reviewer Team: Pending requested
Diff: 1022 lines (+202/-308) (has conflicts)19 files modifiedbin/addons/delivery_mechanism/delivery_mechanism.py (+2/-9)
bin/addons/msf_audittrail/data/audittrail_data_purchase.yml (+1/-2)
bin/addons/msf_cross_docking/cross_docking.py (+4/-133)
bin/addons/msf_doc_import/wizard/wizard_import_po_line.py (+3/-4)
bin/addons/msf_outgoing/wizard/incoming_shipment_processor.py (+7/-12)
bin/addons/msf_profile/data/patches.xml (+8/-0)
bin/addons/msf_profile/i18n/es_MF.po (+0/-5)
bin/addons/msf_profile/i18n/fr_MF.po (+18/-73)
bin/addons/msf_profile/msf_profile.py (+59/-0)
bin/addons/order_types/stock.py (+0/-1)
bin/addons/purchase/purchase_order.py (+36/-55)
bin/addons/purchase/purchase_order_line.py (+55/-2)
bin/addons/purchase/purchase_view.xml (+3/-3)
bin/addons/purchase/purchase_workflow.py (+1/-1)
bin/addons/purchase/report/purchase_report.py (+2/-2)
bin/addons/sync_so/purchase.py (+0/-1)
bin/addons/sync_so/so_po_common.py (+0/-2)
bin/addons/tender_flow/report/purchase_report.py (+2/-2)
bin/addons/tender_flow/tender_flow_view.xml (+1/-1)
Branch information
Recent revisions
- 6499. By Dorian
US-10783-11563 [FIX] PO line destination: Fixed destination if the source is an internal IR
- 6498. By Dorian
US-10783 [FIX] PO line destination: Destination is always service for service products, destination is cross docking when the line is linked to a FO even if the product is non-stockable, destination is non-stockable when the product is non-stockable and is from scratch or comes from an IR ; destination is input in all other cases
- 6495. By Dorian
US-10783 [FIX] PO line: changed reception_dest_id to be a fields.many2one, added patch script to set the value of old PO lines, and fixed data setup in purchase.report
- 6493. By Dorian
US-10783-11563 [IMP] PO: Replaced location_id by location_ids and location_names. Their value depends on each PO line's origin, and new location value at line level affects the destination of the created INs
Branch metadata
- Branch format:
- Branch format 7
- Repository format:
- Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
- Stacked on:
- lp://staging/unifield-server