
Created by dobey and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~dobey/ubuntuone-control-panel/sru-backports
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Ubuntu One Control Panel

Recent revisions

266. By Roberto Alsina

Unstyled the spinboxes (Partially fixes LP:966283).

265. By Roberto Alsina

Reverse styling for web buttons in RTL locales (Fixes LP:983665).

264. By Roberto Alsina

Restore minimized windows from the tray (Fixes LP:865688).

263. By Roberto Alsina

Made CalculateSize use bytes when calling os.walk (Fixes LP:959447).

262. By Diego Sarmentero

Checking that we are receiving the right argument type, or ignore it if it's not valid (LP: #995146).

261. By Roberto Alsina

 - Implemented UniqueApplication for Linux (Fixes LP:987909).

260. By dobey

[release] 3.0.0

259. By Natalia Bidart

[Diego Sarmentero]

  - Restarting the wizard on current device removed.

[Natalia Bidart]

  - Check for updates when the main window is shown. On linux, this is a no-op.
    On windows, this will check for new versions of the software and will
    prompt the user for confirmation to install updates.
  - Make the LOADING_OVERLAY_MARKUP use a smaller font.

258. By Natalia Bidart

- Release v2.99.92.

257. By Diego Sarmentero

- Updating from trunk up to revno 308:

[ Brian Curtin <email address hidden> ]
  - Match test behavior with updated functionality.

[ Diego Sarmentero <email address hidden> ]
  - Removing encoding to return unicode (LP: #966513).
  - Using limit_bandwidth attribute to properly process the info dict
    for preferences (LP: #944256).

[ Natalia B. Bidart <email address hidden> ]
  - When user rejects the License, also uninstall the application
    when in Windows (LP: #968327).
  - Remove custom path validation and use the one provided by syncdaemon
    (LP: #824252).
  - Make use of the new feature from syncdaemon where 'refresh_volumes'
    returns a deferred that gets fired when the server info is ready
    (LP: #851810).
  - Ensured that Folders' tree view has proper texts in the columns to
    have proper column widths (LP: #965175).

[ Roberto Alsina <email address hidden> ]
   - Fixed the combination of --minimized --with-icon options
    (LP: #968369).

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