
Created by dobey and last modified
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Ubuntu One Client

Recent revisions

1254. By Alejandro J. Cura

Validate SSL certificates (LP: #882062)

1253. By Alejandro J. Cura

Ignore IN_CLOSE_WRITE for directories

1252. By Alejandro J. Cura

- Give the tunnel process a bit more time to account for dns resolving. (LP: #1006899)

1251. By Diego Sarmentero

- Decoding path for comparison (LP: #998079).

1250. By Manuel de la Peña

- Refactored the tools code so that it is shared between windows and darwin (LP: #1002994).

1249. By Alejandro J. Cura

- Use dbus.Dictionary to specify signature when using empty dicts for SSO calls. (LP: #711162)

1248. By dobey

Bump version to 4.1 for trunk

1247. By Manuel de la Peña

- Fixed tests on windows by using the new sso api found in trunk and nightlies (LP: #1001296).
- Added support for domain sockets by using endpoints to listen to a socket and description factories (LP:

1246. By Diego Sarmentero

- Adding MAC OS implementation for platform/os_helper

1245. By Facundo Batista

Use PathLockTree to get one GetDelta at a time (LP: #883252).

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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