
Created by dobey and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/ignore-lock
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Ubuntu One Client

Recent revisions

1349. By dobey

Ignore *.lock files

1348. By dobey

Trap DBusException to avoid errors when dbus session bus is not available.

1347. By Mike McCracken

- Use file-relative path for logging.conf to find it in u1-client tree even when CWD is outside. (LP: #1067489)

1346. By Facundo Batista

Put path back for some commands, and assure it's included in their info.

1345. By Brian Curtin

- Take first element of procutils.which as proper python executable.

1344. By Mike McCracken

- Sync up mac/win sync_menu dummy with linux implementation. (LP: #1067088)

1343. By dobey

Use GI bindings of GLib instead of static bindings in launch/login scripts.

1342. By Brian Curtin

- Use procutils.which to identify the full path of a python executable to be spawned on Windows.

1341. By Diego Sarmentero

- Using deflated_size instead of size (LP: #1062729).

1340. By Manuel de la Peña

- Ensure that the correct glib method is used when we cannot use the gir (LP: #1065272).

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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