
Created by dobey and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~dobey/ubuntuone-client/get-published-race
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Ubuntu One Client

Recent revisions

750. By dobey

Add a timeout if we haven't loaded the published files list to avoid a race
condition where this callback gets called before sd is online, and never again

749. By dobey

[release] 1.4.6 ubuntuone-client

748. By Roberto Alsina

Don't offer the "Publish" option in the context menu for files/folders that are being shared to the user, because it's not supported.

747. By dobey

Only show the dialog after a short timeout, to allow coallescing of signals
Only show the dialog once per day at most
Just show() the dialog if it's already visible, rather than recreating it

746. By dobey

Only listen for the credentials found signal, don't explicitly ask for them

745. By Guillermo Gonzalez

Fix local rescan to handle the case of the stat in metadata being None.

744. By dobey

Do a little error checking in _udf_created and simplify the code
Fix a few other compiler warnings

743. By dobey

Handle the case when replication is not available but desktopcouch is installed

742. By Natalia Bidart

If free space is None, SYS_QUOTA_EXCEEDED is not pushed (LP: #671023).

741. By dobey

Use the dgettext call for translating the SSO description

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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