
Created by dobey and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~dobey/libubuntuone/warn-unsusbscribed
Only dobey can upload to this branch. If you are dobey please log in for upload directions.

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Recent revisions

126. By dobey

Show an alert bar when music folder is unsubscribed, and allow subscribing

125. By dobey

Add the starting code for a custom request handler for u1chrome: URIs
Reuqire new libsoup for the custom request handler

124. By dobey

Re-encode the padlock icon for the music store pages

123. By dobey

Use a boolean variable to ensure parsed_uri gets freed

122. By dobey

Remove needless deps on dbus-glib and gnome-keyring

121. By dobey

[release] 0.9.0 libubuntuone

120. By dobey

New logo.png using the ubuntu font

119. By dobey

Set the base_url on init, rather than later, as we may need it
Cancel the main page load callback if we're loading a u1ms link instead

118. By dobey

Don't enable DEBUG_OAUTH and don't print navigation requested URLs to console

117. By dobey

[release] 0.3.11 libubuntuone

Branch metadata

Branch format:
Branch format 7
Repository format:
Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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This branch contains Public information 
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