
Created by Diego Sarmentero and last modified
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bzr branch lp://staging/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/unicode-syncing-error
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Diego Sarmentero
Ubuntu One Control Panel

Recent revisions

303. By Diego Sarmentero

Adding bug number

302. By Diego Sarmentero

Removing encoding to return unicode

301. By Diego Sarmentero

Decoding the folder_path string, and converting string to unicode to avoid problems in comparisons.

300. By Natalia Bidart

- Isolate linux specific styling hacks to avoid weird side effects on windows
  (LP: #961229).

299. By Natalia Bidart

- Handle errors from backend on the signin wizard page (LP: #945078).
- Avoid the 'show/hide details' button to grow when focused (LP: #961348).

298. By Brian Curtin

- Add Ubuntu One to the Windows auto-start registry key

297. By Brian Curtin

- Made the creation of symlinks a separated test case so it can be skipped on Windows.

296. By Natalia Bidart

- Modified stylesheet to use the new colours from brand, and to also ease
  the reading of white text (LP: #956077).
- Fixed the gap tab outlines (LP: #822629).

295. By Roberto Alsina

- Made the license page from the wizard be shown (only when called with --installer) (LP: #933697).

294. By Brian Curtin

Better cleanup in tests -- allow the rest of the test suite to complete. Fix courtesy of Natalia Bidart.

Branch metadata

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Branch format 7
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Bazaar repository format 2a (needs bzr 1.16 or later)
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