Merge lp://staging/~d.filoni/telegram-app/audio_receiving_and_sending into lp://staging/telegram-app

Proposed by Devid Antonio Filoni
Status: Needs review
Proposed branch: lp://staging/~d.filoni/telegram-app/audio_receiving_and_sending
Merge into: lp://staging/telegram-app
Diff against target: 881 lines (+606/-17)
10 files modified
telegram/app/apparmor-telegram.json (+1/-0)
telegram/app/asemantools/asemanaudiorecorder.cpp (+13/-0)
telegram/app/asemantools/asemanaudiorecorder.h (+13/-0)
telegram/app/qml/AccountSendMessage.qml (+275/-16)
telegram/app/qml/MediaPlayerItem.qml (+4/-0)
telegram/app/qml/components/AudioRecordingBar.qml (+155/-0)
telegram/app/qml/components/TransparentButton.qml (+106/-0)
telegram/app/telegram.cpp (+34/-0)
telegram/app/telegram.h (+3/-1)
telegram/app/telegram.qrc (+2/-0)
To merge this branch: bzr merge lp://staging/~d.filoni/telegram-app/audio_receiving_and_sending
Reviewer Review Type Date Requested Status
libqtelegram team Pending
Review via email:

Description of the change

this branch is a port of messing-app voice messages recording&sending feature, it uses internal QML components (AsemanAudioRecord, MediaPlayerItem...) to record and play voice files. It also contains components/TransparentButton.qml from messaging-app with no changes, I included it because it has many features such as icon pulsate.
Recorded files are stored in /home/phablet/.cache/com.ubuntu.telegram/+<PHONENUMBER>/temp/audio/ and they are deleted after upload.
The branch is ready so I'm requesting a merge but it should be merged only after bug #1630399 gets fixed: if requested opusenc gstreamer plugin is missing the error will be handled (no crashes) but you won't be able to record anything.

Tested on mako.

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238. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Do not remove temporary audio files directory if an unsent recorded file exists

Revision history for this message
Devid Antonio Filoni (d.filoni) wrote :

Commit 238 fixes a bug I introduced in commit 237: the recorded audio files temporary directory was removed also if the user was recording or playing a new file, which is wrong.

239. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Fix typo in comments

240. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Merge master (rev 252)

241. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Merge master (rev 253) and resolve conflict in app/qml/AccountSendMessage.qml

242. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Merge master

243. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Trivial code cleanup after merge

Unmerged revisions

243. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Trivial code cleanup after merge

242. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Merge master

241. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Merge master (rev 253) and resolve conflict in app/qml/AccountSendMessage.qml

240. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Merge master (rev 252)

239. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Fix typo in comments

238. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Do not remove temporary audio files directory if an unsent recorded file exists

237. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Complete voice sending support (LP: #1375179)

236. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Merge lp:telegram-app

235. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Merge lp:~d.filoni/telegram-app/audio_receiving

234. By Devid Antonio Filoni

Add voice messages recording support, requires opus support in QtMultimedia

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